UT UGS 303 - Reverence

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UGS 303 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Definitions II Euripides III Dionysus IV Concluding Question Outline of Current Lecture I Reverence II Justice III Questions Current Lecture I Reverence A The first ode in Bacchae after the introductory ode is to reverence queen of gods B Reverence is the cure for hubris C A person is irreverent if he acts immortal or all knowing D Gods have no need to be reverent because they ARE immortal and all knowing Reverence is a human virtue E The Greeks believed that reverence was necessary in a polis among unequals 1 Parent Child 2 Guard prisoner 3 Ruler suppliant 4 If you are subordinate in any relationship such as these there is nothing to protect you but the good character of your superior This is why reverence is important F Reverence Entails 1 Respect 2 Compassion 3 Self Knowledge II Justice A The Greeks believed that justice was necessary in a polis among unequals 1 A mortal cannot ask for justice from a god because they are unequals 2 Without justice a community may becaome violent and create civil war B Some thinkers believe that justice and compassion are at odds 1 If a person is truly just he will give everyone the exact punishment that they deserve If he is truly compassionate he will have mercy 2 This is especially an issue in the Christian faith because they believe God to be both completely just and completely compassionate III Questions A Does Dionysus claim that what he does to his human family is just 1 Yes 89 2 No 11 3 Woodruff believes that no is the correct answer Dionysus seems to think something along the lines of I m a god you treated me with disrespect I can do whatever I want It doesn t have to be just B Who said who are you You don t know 1 This was Dionysus to Pentheus 2 Greeks believed that knowing oneself what it means to be human is the center of reverence

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UT UGS 303 - Reverence

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