Psychology 202 February 12 2015 Lecture Sensation and Perception Continued Simple example Context effects A 13 C and 12 13 14 Perception video clip young woman old woman illusion rat man illusion prior experiences influence what you see The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks The case of Mr P failure to recognize faces can t distinguish faces from objects rose convoluted red form w linear green attachment sings to keep organized sensory or perceptual disturbance perceptual visual agnosia damage to visual cortex Synesthesia mix of sensory pathways Video clip kid saw blue with D major but a different person saw it as yellow Losing One s Touch Living without Proprioception living without the sense of touch can t control body w o looking at what he s doing looking at a body part could make it move hard to stand perfectly still sometimes people use mirrors to learn to deal with living without proprioception sensory deficit not a perceptual deficit Info About Exam Review Session Bring ID number 2 pencil to exam 65 items all multiple choice 5 7 items from textbook Demand characteristics vs observer bias Observer bias deals with the observer and demand characteristics happen in the subject ex Hawthorne effect in demand characteristics Hawthorne effect alters behavior i e criminals on probation Stroop test word is different color than what it says i e the word red is blue see if someone has the ability to focus on something specific MRI static snapshot of the brain fMRI brain in action Implicit association test not explicitly aware of something ex help train police to be less biased against black people Sampling bias problem with choosing a sample ex opera magazine subscribers randomness Observer expectancy effect observer bias ex tell a group they have smart rats Double blind good experiment when possible Anger study punching bad vs not hitting a punching bag Correlation positive vs negative 3rd variable problem a 3rd variable may always exist causing the two correlated things therefore correlation does equal causation Confound unintentional mistake that affects outcome variable in experiment ex stopwatch doesn t work stick shift vs automatic transmission results in can mean the same thing as causes Mindfulness research people report feeling better but this could also be expectancy effect used EEG to see if there is left prefrontal cortex association KNOW the neurotransmitters KNOW the brain and where things are what it would look like if there was a problem in that area Action potential occurs with the depolarization process resting neuron is slightly negative and with depolarization cell becomes slightly more positive sodium gates open allowing it into the cell excitatory signal triggers action potential hyper polarization is inhibitory Saltatory conduction electrical signal jumps from node of Ranvier to node of Ranvier Mirror neurons info in book empathy SSRIs Something something reuptake inhibitor Ecstasy damages terminal buttons that can cause irreversible depression Physical and cognitive activities are good for nourishing the glial cells and dendrites in the brain Scopolamine antagonist block memories Physostigmine agonist improve memory Parasympathetic Rest and Digest Wernicke s area vs Broca s area Read text box about phantom limbs in textbook somatosensory cortex Split brain make sure you completely understand and think about it Each eye has a right and left visual field
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