CORNELL HD 3700 - The Aggressive and Erotic Drives and Psychosexual stages
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HD 3700 1st Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I The opening scene of Hamlet II Dream Structure and Dream Work a How the Dream Work Works III The associative mind a Case study Sting s associations Outline of Current Lecture Erotic and Aggressive Drives Psychosexual Development I From dreams to hysteria to neurotic conflict II How we evolved into humans the erotic and aggressive drives III The psycho sexual stages IV Review of Freud s ideas so far Current Lecture I From dreams to hysteria to neurotic conflict Freud essential resistances to psychoanalysis o Freud thought that we are biased to value what we can see over what cannot be seen in other words we value that can be is measured observed or witnessed o He thought that we are biased against a focus on the psychical life o In his day psychiatry was restricted to observed phenomenon only classification of disorders Psychoanalysis was meant to fill in the gap and provide a model for understanding mental experience Freud the two provocative hypotheses of psychoanalysis o The first hypothesis is that what we experience as consciousness is only a part of mental life that there are mental processes which influence us greatly but which remain unconscious o The second is hypothesis is that sexual impulses broadly and narrowly defined play an important role in nervous disorders AND that sexual energy when channeled psychologically fuels creativity rationality achievement and the emergence of culture and civilization Freud argues that pleasure is what reinforces adaptive behavior for example giving a dog a treat or nursing a baby Some people learn to channel that energy pleasure into less directly gratifying things II How we evolved into humans the erotic and aggressive drives Erotic drive o Drive for sex expressed through o Sexual intercourse o Heavy petting making out o Heavy flirting o Innocent flirting o Sexual pornography o Hugh Grant movies etc o Loving your best friend o Having fun o Chatting o Pleasure in an idea Aggressive drive o Expressed through o Rape murder o Beating someone badly o Throwing a punch o Screaming at someone o Giving someone the finger o Violence pornography o Action movies Steven Seagall movies o Contact sports o Ultimate Frisbee o Debate o Having ambitions can t be ambitious without aggression ambition is aggressive drive sublimating to a productive outcome The Id Ego and Superego o Id pleasure principle unconscious urges and desires Unconscious well below the surface of awareness The basic animal part of you is the ID which expresses the urges of the erotic and aggressive drives seeking to discharge gathering energy through pleasurable acts physical or mental It obeys the pleasure principal o Ego self reality principle Conscious ideas thoughts and feelings of which we are aware Preconscious material that can easily be recalled The conscious part of you though it has unconscious elements is the EGO which strives to take control of those urges and their compelling fantasies and daydreams and act in the world according to the reality principal o Superego Ego ideal Moral guardian The mind internalizes the values of your family and your surrounding cultures and these values form your SUPER EGO Your EGO struggles to maintain control of its urges and wishes for gratification in accordance to the standards of the SUPER EGO which can be quite permissive see Greek Life or quite strict see Convents Monasteries o Large part of mental experience that we have is being filtered out of our consciousness o Development the ego develops throughout childhood A child raised in an impoverished deprived environment often grows into a teenager that is impulsive violent Freud thought that we must civilize every child teach them to delay gratification and to sublimate their drives III The psycho sexual stages 12 genital adolescence o reworking of the oedipal stage o puberty brings in adult physiological sexual capacity o sexual desires are expressed or deferred 7 11 latency o social cultural internalization o erotic drive is sublimated into same sex friendships o aggressive drive is sublimated into competition o children at this age can be very responsible big change at 6 years old brain starts to prune synapses impulses go underground while child is socialized 5 7 oedipal o rise of the superego most controversial part of Freud s model o erotic drive towards opposite sex parent sublimated want to marry their parent o aggressive drive towards same sex parent sublimated o if this phase doesn t go well it often leads to problems in romantic relationships later on having affairs with someone who is married is replaying this oedipal complex 3 5 phallic o exhibitionism a power stage o erotic drive expression through masturbation o aggressive drive expressed through omnipotence o believe they can do anything 2 3 anal o rise of the ego o erotic drive sublimated through toilet training o delay gratification obey authority o children that refuse anal retention children that hold it in 0 2 oral o pleasure principal o erotic drive is gratified through nursing cuddling etc o mouth is an erogenous zone pleasure IV Review of Freud s ideas so far All of our associations are connected to previous associations there are no random thoughts no wiping the disk Free associations is a misnomer because associations are never free they re always determined This is called psychic continuity Conscious thought is only one layer of consciousness competing thoughts feelings wishes and fears make themselves known through slips omissions and dreams Those layers of unconscious material are kept unconscious by the mind which puts up resistance to conscious understanding To make those other sets of thoughts feelings wishes and fears conscious simply associate to the slips or dreams not so simple Meanwhile each child must be civilized taught to sublimate their erotic and aggressive impulses just as the human species had to develop civilization to survive and ultimately thrive

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CORNELL HD 3700 - The Aggressive and Erotic Drives and Psychosexual stages

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 5
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