CORNELL HD 3700 - Freud on Dreams
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HD 3700 1st Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture I Freud s Time and Place Fin de Siecle Vienna II Freud s Intellectual Context a The rise of the scientific method b Marx Darwin Helmholtz and Freud III Freud s Story treating the untreatable patients IV Parapraxes slips of the tongue and why they were so important to Freud s research Outline of Current Lecture I Implications of Freud s model of the associative mind for dreams II What are dreams III How do you find out what a dream really means a Freud s 3 rules on associating to dreams b Have the dreamer interpret the dream Current Lecture What are dreams Every dream is disguised wish fulfillment We are asleep during them The consciousness in dreams is qualitatively different from that of waking life o There are no rules in dreaming o Dreams can be completely insane but still very realistic o Dreaming is the mind at play with no rules but not a mind at play without history dreams are still you with your history Dreams often incorporate internal and external stimuli noise stomach aches etc The variety of dreams is unlimited from short snippets quickly forgotten to novelistic epics remembered throughout one s life How do you find out what a dream really means Simple ask the dreamer Freud s 3 rules on associating to dreams o Do not worry about what the dream appears to tell us whether it is absurd or intelligible since it is not the unconscious meaning you re searching for o Associate to element of the dream without judging the associations just keep the ideas coming o Keep associating until the connections between the dream materials and the underlying thoughts emerge o Despite these rules even the most willing patients find themselves stopping their associations dismissing them as irrelevant Or they say they have no thoughts Ah says Freud so there s some resistance to discovering the dream s meaning Have the dreamer interpret his own dream o He always says he doesn t know what it means o Ask the dreamer how he arrived at the dream and his first remark is an explanation o Encourage free association asking the dreamer to keep the dream or dream element in mind as he does so o Why does this work Because all thoughts are connected with earlier thoughts This is called psychic continuity This is why early childhood experiences are so important child abuse has far reaching implications o A dream element often leads to a thought indirectly connected to it

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CORNELL HD 3700 - Freud on Dreams

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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