MKTG 477 1st Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I The Communication Process Outline of Current Lecture II Low Involvement Learning Mere Exposure Model III Undercover Stealth Marketing IV Affect Transfer Attitude Towards the Ad Model Current Lecture Recent developments paper due next week Theoretical explanations for how advertising works Understand the theory model Apply this knowledge to an advertising situation Low Involvement Learning Mere Exposure Model Exposure to and familiarity with a brand via advertising yield top of the mind awareness and positive feelings toward the brand Advertising is like grass you never see it grow but every once in a while you may have to get out the lawnmower o Most of us don t realize advertising is having an affect on us but it does by simply being exposed Key to this model make sure people are repeatedly exposed to your brand product service Undercover Stealth Marketing 60 Minutes video clip playing a new video game with hand controller in Starbucks to get random citizens to try it leading them to gain information on the product and therefore buy it Sony Fake tourists got random people on the streets to use their new camera without knowing they were targeted by marketers Clothing stores giving their employees discounts so they wear more of their brand walking billboard These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Affect Transfer Attitude Towards the Ad Model Feelings about the advertisement are transferred to feelings about the brand o Via classical conditioning processes The Office Altoid experiment with Dwight Unconditioned Stimulus Ad for Brand X Conditioned Stimulus Brand X product Unconditioned Response Positive feeling about ad Conditioned Response Positive feeling about brand Positive association occurs over time from repeated exposures Affect is feeling
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