MKTG 477 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Brand Positioning Outline of Current Lecture II How advertising works III The Communication Process IV Effective communication V Noise a How to overcome noise Current Lecture Theoretical explanations for how advertising works Understand the theory model Apply this knowledge to an advertising situation The Communications Process Model A basic model of communication in general Suggests communication is shared meaning Some basic notions about communication Involves at least two parties Individuals interpret communications differently Knowing understanding the receiver s background and needs aids communication Feedback aids communication Communication is aided when the parties have similar fields of experience These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Some noise in the process is inevitable To effectively communicate marketers must overcome noise Noise is an obstruction in the communication process Can occur at any stage encoding message channel decoding feedback etc Simple rules to follow to overcome noise 1 Know understand your audience customer a Cannot assume they are the same as you b Advertisers should not insult the intelligence of their audience but don t assume their audience is intelligent 2 Make the ad attention getting but simple a Keep it simple stupid KISS 3 Monitor the effectiveness of the ad a Seek consumers true responses to the communication b Sales of a product are often NOT a good measure of advertising effectiveness i Consumers may love your ads but not buy your product ii Or they may hate your ads but buy your product anyway 4 Take control over the production process a Make sure the ad says what you intend for it to say
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