GCD 3022 Lecture 1 Outline of Current Lecture I Overview of Genetics a Molecular Expression b The study of genetics II Overview of DNA a Basics of DNA and RNA b Transcription and Translation c DNA Technologies III Gene Insertion IV Traits a Environmental Influence on Trait Expression b Trait expression at different biological levels Current Lecture I II Molecular Expression a Genetics the study of genes defined as the study of heredity and variation b Gene i unit of heredity ii Modern definition segment of DNA that produces a functional product ex polypeptide or RNA iii Provides the blueprint that determines the traits of an organism c Trait characteristics of an organism ex eye color Overview of DNA a DNA deoxyribonucleic acid i Genetic material in all living organisms ii Encodes information required to synthesize cellular proteins and RNA ribonucleic acid b Proteome all of the proteins a cell makes in a given amount of time c Transcriptome all of the RNA a cell makes in a given amount of time d Transcription and Translation i Transcription genetic info in DNA that is copied into an RNA some coding and some non coding ii Translation nucleotide sequence in RNA provides info via the genetic code to create amino acid sequences which turn into a protein e DNA Technologies i There have been many important advances in the field of genetics These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV 1 Structure of DNA and RNA 2 Mechanisms of DNA replication and repair 3 Total genome sequencing 4 Techniques to manipulate DNA ii Advances in Genetics are critical to many industries such as medicine food production animal breeding etc iii Some advances in genetics are controversial because they involve the manipulation of plant animal and human genomes ex Dolly the cloned sheep Gene Insertion a Prevalent example of genome manipulation is the insertion of a gene into another living organism i Green Fluorescent Protein GFP 1 Originally from the Aequorea victoria jellyfish 2 Causes fluorescent green glow under UV light 3 Has been introduced into many different organisms including bugs rabbits worms and mice 4 Used to map or track inheritance patterns through generations ii There are variations on the GFP in many colors b GFP can also exhibit cell type specific expression when inserted into a specific part of the genome ex only turning a mouse s ears nose and paws fluorescent green Traits of an Organism a Traits i Largely controlled by genes ex eye color is genetic ii Can be influenced by the environment ex winter and summer coloration in mammals b Levels of Trait Organization i Molecular expression of genes ii Cellular function of proteins and RNA iii Organism physical appearance of traits iv Population traits observed within a species or population
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