CU-Boulder IPHY 3410 - Membranes and the Integumentary System

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IPHY 3410 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture 1 Define connective tissue 2 Predict if a tissue is a connective tissue based on the definition 3 Compare and contrast the structure and functions of epithelial and connective tissue 4 Name the unique components of connective tissue 5 Identify the components of living and nonliving matrix 6 Predict the function of the connective tissue based on its matrix composition compression tension elasticity pulling squashing stretching 7 Describe areolar connective tissue as a model of connective tissue proper Outline of Current Lecture 1 Define and distinguish cutaneous mucous and serous membranes 2 Define and distinguish parietal and visceral layers of serous membranes 3 List the components of the integumentary system 4 Explain how skin and its appendages are organs of the integumentary system 5 Describe the functions of the integument 6 List the tissue types that compose epidermis and dermis 7 Describe the structure and function of all 5 layers of the epidermis from deep to superficial list the key functions and cell types of each stratum 8 Explain why the superficial part of the skin is dead 9 Distinguish between thick skin and thin skin indicate which is hairy and which is hairless 10 Describe the anatomy of dermis and structures found within dermis 11 Describe the structures and functions of the hypodermis 12 Explain how variations in melanin distribution in human skin creates different skin tone 13 List the parts of a hair and a hair follicle 14 Illustrate the differences in the length of hair growth cycles comparing hair of the head to hair of the arms or legs 15 Understand basics of major disorders skin cancer and burns 16 Predict the consequence of skin loss e g burn victim 17 Compare and contrast oil glands and sweat glands identify locations secretions and special modifications 18 Explain the structure and function of nails Current Lecture Membranes An Overview A combination of a layer of connective tissue proper and an epithelium tissue layer that cover or lines an organ or cavity etc Types o Cutaneous Skin Composed of dermis connective tissue and epidermis epithelium These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o o Epidermis is outermost layer Mucous Line organs that open to the outside of body ex nose mouth Includes esophagus lining and mucosa of lung bronchi Epithelial cells secrete mucus coating Serous Surrounds outside of organs and lines body cavities Pericardium visceral and parietal layers serous membrane that lines pericardial cavity surrounds heart Pleura visceral and parietal layers serous membrane that lines pleural cavity and surrounds lungs Includes parietal pleura visceral pleura lungs diaphragm Peritoneum visceral and parietal layers serous membrane that lines abdominopelvic cavity and surrounds abdominopelvic organs 2 layers Parietal layer lines body cavity Visceral layer surrounds organs Epithelial cells secrete lubricating serous fluid Note In a serous membrane the epithelium tissue is the outermost layer while in a mucous membrane the epithelium is the innermost layer Integumentary System An Overview Integument means something that covers System group of organs that work together to perform one or more functions Organ part of the body formed by 2 or more tissues that performs specific function s Tissue a group of similar cells and matrix that perform a specific function s Organs of the Integumentary System skin hair nails sweat glands Functions of Integumentary System Water resistance o Sebum oil glyocolipids create barrier Excretion of liquids and salts o excretion getting rid of something unwanted Sensation o touch temperature pain Body temperature regulation o capillary network evaporation and hair Protection o against bacteria o from dehydration o against UV sunlight Production o vitamin D Structure of Integumentary System Epidermis keratinized stratified squamous epithelium o 5 layers thick Stratum corneum Stratum lucidum Stratum granulosum Stratum spinosum Stratum basale o Cells found in epidermis Keratinocytes Produce keratin Connected by desmosomes New cells produced at basal surface oldest cells on apical surface Replaced every 35 45 days Dendritic cells Phagocytic engulf foreign material In the Stratum spinosum Merkel cells Sensory touch receptors Stratum basale layer only Melanocytes Pigment producing Stratum basale Melanin granules transported to keratinocytes Dermis loose areolar CT and dense irregular CT o Contain dermal papilla Increase surface area Creates a stronger connection to the epidermis Made of loose areolar CT Contains sebaceous glands oil glands and sudoriferous glands sweat glands Sebaceous Glands o Secrete sebum into hair follicle o Stimulated by androgens hormones o Soften lubricate skin o Not found on palms or soles Sudoriferous Glands o Sweat glands including mammary glands o Prevent overheating of body o Eccrine Most numerous empty on to body surface o Apocrine Axillary genital anal areas stimulated by androgens open into hair follicles Hypodermis superficial fascia Adipose CT Figure 5 3b Layers of the epidermis Stratum corneum Stratum lucidum Stratum granulosum Stratum spinosum Stratum basale Dermis Hair Structure and Function Arrector pili smooth muscle that pulls hair up ex goosebumps Root hair plexus Free nerve ending that wrap around follicle sensory in nature Melanocytes Produce pigment granules that are added to hair Hair papilla capillary rich structure of CT provides nutrients to quickly dividing cells Layers of hair include o Medulla Loosely packed large cells o Cortex many layers of flattened pigmented cells o Cuticle single layer of highly keratinized cells Hair Region o Bulb o Root o Shaft Dead keratinized cells Vellus fine body hair Terminal coarse hair head pubic Active phase of follicle varies months years Thermoregulation Protection Not on soles or palms Structure of Nails Nail hard keratin corresponds to superficial part of epidermis Nail matrix actively growing layer of cells that are added to root of nail Lunula visible part of the matrix Burns 1st degree damage to epidermis 2nd degree damage to dermis o Critical if 25 body surface area 3rd degree damage to hypodermis or deeper o Critical if 10 body surface area Skin Cancer Basal cell carcinoma o Abnormal cells of stratum basale grow into dermis hypodermis o Most common o 99 cure rate Squamous

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CU-Boulder IPHY 3410 - Membranes and the Integumentary System

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