MKTG 477 1st Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Current Lecture II Breakdown of five headlines A Upfront market B Scatter market C Make good D Preemption E Tagline Current Lecture Circuit City FCB split amidst creative review Putting an account up for review Wrigley fields new pitch Gum aids memory stress Pitching an account Kids upfront market soars as prices rise 15 to 20 Upfront market a buying period that occurs before the TV season begins buying TV advertising inventory time slots on programs Scatter market a buying period after the upfront market for remaining advertising inventory Desperate Housewives was an unexpected hit therefore scatter market prices would be higher than upfront NBC doles out 50 billion in make goods These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Make good a pay back of additional advertising free advertising to an advertiser if a condition wasn t met o When an ad is preempted Not shown because of announcement like 9 11 broadcast updates Technical difficulties A promised audience size TV rating was not delivered Nielsen says their will be X number of viewers but it doesn t happen like not watching the second half of the Super Bowl because one team is dominating Monster and Levi advertised people in their underwear since Levi was shown second they asked for a make good They thought it looked like they were still advertising for Monster in the Levi commercial Red Lobster returns to old tagline with new effort Tagline a sentence or phrase that often comes near the end of a TV commercial or at the bottom of a print ad for purposes of creating and or reinforcing a brand image
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