ADPR 3100 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 12 20 Lecture 12 What is the profile of newspapers REACH 1 5 adults read newspaper regularly so reach isn t too impressive FREQUENCY Effective especially a daily newspaper supplementary medium COST Expensive What are newspaper s strengths and drawbacks Strengths High reach with older upscale opinion leaders High credibility ad as truthful because in newspaper Very immediate could change ad every day if you wanted Enhanced targeting free issues to nonsubscribers sections and special inserts Newspaper best use is if you are doing a campaign for a local retail business it is advertising directed at people who have already made their decision Drawbacks Clutter how will your ad stand out Declining readership Increased cost of advertising Challenges from online news aggregators What is the profile of magazines REACH not good reach but intentional FREQUENCY alright come out once a month not once a day not as good as paper COST more expensive than newspapers What are magazine s strengths and drawbacks Strengths Segment markets magazine for everyone Strong visuals Long life boost reach and frequency per issue passed around High credibility Best uses complete information targets affluent market segments creative flexibility as an advertising medium layout paper color samples Drawbacks Cost Clutter Long time lead difficult to reach large audience segments What is the rate structure of magazines Buying of magazine ads Verification 3 factors that determine cost how often you run the ad how big the ad is how picky you are about where the ad appears The less ads you run and smaller you buy the more costly volume discount CPM cost per thousand readers the lower the CPM the more cost efficient Weighted CPM cost efficiency of a publication in reaching portion of readership that is your target audience Reach of magazines GRP Cost effectiveness per GRP Magazine verification Audit Bureau of Circulations verifies their circulation is what they claims Lecture 13 What is the radio s profile REACH High per medium as a whole per station is low FREQUENCY Really good COST Cheap What is radio s strengths and drawbacks Strengths Segments market very well Mobile market proximity to purchase Flexible and immediate Personal relationship Best use local retail medium Drawbacks Audience small per station people are distracted when driving Lack of precise market research No visual impact Large mass markets are UNREACHABLE via radio Explain the buying process Choose platform choose format choose daypart ratings AM 20 of listeners older listeners b c news talk sound quality is okay and has large signal area FM 80 listeners younger b c music is primary format better sound quality smaller signal area Country music as most popular radio format Highest listenership is afternoon drive time 3 7 pm talk news Metro Survey Area MSA central city or town where radio is and immediate counties Total Survey Area TSA MSA plus more distant surrounding counties 2 definitions for who is a radio listener Average qtr hour persons AQH listens to station for at least 5 of 15 minutes Cume persons number of different people listening to station for 5 minutes over a longer time span usually a week What are the measures of reach for individual radio stations AQH Rating Size percentage of market answers how large the station s audience is at any specific point in time o AQH Rating AQH persons listening to this station x 100 Area population AQH Share popularity answers how much of the current audience is listening to this station vs others o AQH Share AQH persons listening to this station x 100 How many people listening to any radio station at this point in time Cume rating size answers how large of an audience this station generally has Arbitron Inc as source of verification for radio portable people meter RADAR Lecture 14 What is TV s profile REACH potential to deliver to huge audiences only campaign that can reach national audiences FREQUENCY high frequency COST Very expensive What are the strengths and drawbacks of TV Strengths High reach 99 of households Creative flexibility Delivers large national markets Increasingly delivers to niche markets o Increase number of channels emergence of cable satellite High use TV typically on for 8 hours a day higher use than radio and internet Best use national campaign addressing large market brand message and positioning Drawbacks Clutter 1 4 of TV is ads Audience as lower income fragmented Cost What are the 3 kinds of TV buys Network buy buy time on new show pay network it sends ads out to all its affiliates Spot buy new show buy from individual local stations shown only on those stations Syndication buy same as spot but with reruns or nonnetwork programming Discuss TV buying ratings and verification 2 kinds of audiences TV household at least one TV or HUT household using television Rating size tells how many TV households are tuned into the show Share probability measure the proportion of HUTs are tuned into specific show measures competition GRPs rating x number of spots bought on particular show GIs persons x number of spots bought on a particular show Cost effectiveness is measured by dollars per GRP or GI November December periods of highest viewership Highest percept of viewers is Monday through Friday on weeknights Adult females as 40 60 of viewers TV verification Nielsen ratings Nielson Station Index Lecture 15 What are the strengths and limitations of digital media Strengths Relatively low cost per impression Precise pricing Engaging interactive Timely Segmentation Only one steadily increasing Limitations o Uncertainty of how to use it effectively as advertising medium Explain the scheduling and buying of digital media Segment by daypart o Largest audience is during the day o Kids evenings and weekends o Work audience 10 to noon on weekdays Segment by platform o Desktop usage peaks at 3 pm o Mobile usage peaks at 11 pm o Table usage peaks at 9 pm What market research is done for digital media Key strength of digital can generate huge amounts of user data Digital can collect data quickly automatically and inexpensively IP address unique ID for every user o Involuntary every device that connects to the internet has this unique IP o Can track the pages you access how often geographic location o IP address as goldmine for researchers Cookies o Involuntary data placed on your computer by a website o Consumers can delete cookies tracks page views
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