MANGMT 3000 1st Edition Final Exam Study Guide Lectures 14 21 Lecture 14Personality stable psychological traits and behavioral attributes that give a person his or her identity Big five personality dimensions extroversion agreeableness conscientiousness emotional stability and openness to experience Proactive personality someone who is more apt to take initiative and persevere to influence the environment Five traits important to orgs Locus of control indicates how much people believe they control their fate through their own efforts Self efficacy belief in one s ability to do a task Self esteem extent to which people like or dislike themselves Self monitoring extent to which people are able to observe their own behavior and adapt it to external situations Emotional intelligence ability to cope empathize with others and be self motivated Lecture 15Perception process of interpreting and understanding one s environment Four steps in the perceptual process 1 2 3 4 Selective attention Interpretation and evaluation Storing in memory Retrieving from memory to make judgments and decisions Stereotyping tendency to attribute to an individual the characteristics one believes are typical of the group to which that individual belongs Halo effect forming an impression of an individual based on a single trait Recency effect tendency to remember recent info better than earlier info Casual attributions activity of inferring causes for observed behaviors Employee engagement an individual s involvement satisfaction and enthusiasm for work Job satisfaction extent to which you feel positively or negatively about various aspects of your work Org commitment reflects the extent to which an employee identifies with an org and is committed to its goals Diversity represents all the ways people are unlike and alike Internal dimensions those human differences that exert a powerful sustained effect throughout every stage of our lives External dimensions consist of the personal characteristics that people acquire discard or modify throughout their lives Stress tension people feel when they are facing or enduring extraordinary demands constraints or opportunities and are uncertain about their ability to handle them effectively Lecture 16Motivation psychological processes that arouse and direct goal directed behavior Extrinsic rewards payoff person receives form others for performing a particular task Intrinsic rewards satisfaction a person receives from performing the particular task itself You want to motivate people to 1 2 3 4 5 Join your org Stay with your org Show up for work Be engaged Do extra work Content perspectives theories that emphasize the needs that motivate people Needs physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs theory proposes that people are motivated by physiological safety love esteem and self actualization ERG theory assumes that three basic needs influence behavior existence relatedness and growth Acquired needs theory states that three needs achievement affiliation and power are major motives determining people s behavior in the workplace Two Factor Theory proposed that work satisfaction and dissatisfaction arise from two different factors work satisfaction from so called motivating factors and dissatisfaction from hygiene factors Hygiene factors factors associated with job dissatisfaction which affect the job context in which people work Motivating factors factors associated with job satisfaction which affects the job content or the rewards of work performance Equity theory focuses on employee perceptions as to how fairly they think they are being treated compared to others Expectancy theory suggests that people are motivated by two things how much they want something and how likely they think they are to get it Lecture 17Goal setting theory 1 2 3 4 5 Goals should be specific Goals should be challenging but achievable Goals should be linked to action plans Goals need not be jointly set to be effective Feedback enhances goal attainment Job design perspectives division of an org s work among its employees and the appreciation and application of motivational theories to jobs to increase satisfaction and performance Reinforcement perspectives on motivation attempts to explain behavior change by suggesting that behavior with positive consequences tends to be repeated whereas behavior with negative consequences tends not to be repeated Positive reinforcement use of positive consequences to encourage desirable behavior Negative reinforcement process of strengthening a behavior by withdrawing something negative Extinction weakening a behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced Punishment process of weakening behavior by presenting something negative or withdrawing something positive Lecture 18Goal setting theory 1 2 3 4 5 Goals should be specific Goals should be challenging but achievable Goals should be linked to action plans Goals need not be jointly set to be effective Feedback enhances goal attainment Job design perspectives division of an org s work among its employees and the appreciation and application of motivational theories to jobs to increase satisfaction and performance Reinforcement perspectives on motivation attempts to explain behavior change by suggesting that behavior with positive consequences tends to be repeated whereas behavior with negative consequences tends not to be repeated Positive reinforcement use of positive consequences to encourage desirable behavior Negative reinforcement process of strengthening a behavior by withdrawing something negative Extinction weakening a behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced Punishment process of weakening behavior by presenting something negative or withdrawing something positive Lecture 19 Videoconferencing uses video and audio links along with computers to enable people in different locations to see hear and talk with each other Telepresence technology high definition videoconference systems that simulate face to face meetings between users Security safeguards for protecting info technology against disasters system failures etc Identity theft thieves hijack your name and identity and use your good credit rating to get cash or buy things Social media Internet based and mobile technologies used to generate interactive dialogue with members of a network Crowdsourcing practice of obtaining needed services ideas or content by soliciting contributions
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