JOURN 4000 1st Edition Lecture 33 Outline of Last Lecture I Privacy laws II Obscenity laws Outline of Current Lecture I Shield law Current Lecture Shield law Whether journalists have the right to protect confidential sources information James Risen No federal shield law no shield law in MO Valerie Plame Josh Wolf Judges always puncture shield laws Charles Manson Branzburg vs Hayes 79 Shield law said journalists did not have to release confidential sources The court said no Good faith jury investigation vs bad faith 1 Relevance 2 Lack of relevant sources These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Karen Silkwood Crystal Cox New media should not be confused with news media Deep Throat Cohen case media can be held liable for voluntarily burning sources Shield laws can vary by who what and when is protected 1980 Privacy Protection Act no knock and enter of newsrooms 4 exceptions when police can come in 1 Suspect report is involved in crime 2 Risk of bodily harm deaths 3 Risk of destruction of material 4 Reporters haven t responded to subpoena
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