JOURN 4000 1st Edition Lecture 28 Outline of Last Lecture I Privacy laws Outline of Current Lecture I Privacy laws Current Lecture Food Lion vs ABC False employment story reporters are hired 1 Fraud 2 Breech of contract 3 Trespass Misrepresentation Desnick vs ABC Misrepresentation to get in the door isn t wrong Hidden cameras to do stories Video Voyeurs Protection Act of 2004 Upskirting Reasonable expectation of privacy can t get images of your body Invasion of privacy knowingly photographing videoing a person without consent if the person is nude or partially nude and the other distributes the video image Standing in OJ Simpson flight attendant These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute ABC filmed what was going on surprised flight attendant at house and broadcast it Ron Galella and Jackie Onassis Stalked her to point of physical harm Sued her saying she tried to interfere with his job she countersues Cannot harass public or private figures Arnold Schwarzenegger Open heart surgery harassed by press Jennifer Anniston trespass and invasion of privacy against a photographer Constructive invasion of privacy not physically trespassing See it from the air fair game technology is changing that Columbia MO dead cows in field polluted water source 1942 KCMO Mrs Barber In hospital press sold photos of her in the hospital Hospitals cannot give permission to reporters Cinder Fletcher case Press took pics of dead body dead before fire Mom sued for invasion of privacy
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