JOURN 4000 1st Edition Lecture 26 Outline of Last Lecture I Privacy laws Outline of Current Lecture I Privacy laws Current Lecture MK Ultra Executive privilege Richard Nixon Turn over records for in camera inspection Subpoena for docs in Watergate executive privilege Nixon said SC said n o he has to turn them over Presidential Records Act national archives get presidential records you have access to them Access to prisons Asking for a privilege not demanding a right Some prisons won t allow you to ask for a specific prisoner don t want to create a celeb prisoner Open meetings Voidable everything you did in public is void Actions done privately that should have been done in public Knight redistribute money among public campuses meeting in St Louis Joint and several liabilities These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Private facts 1 Offensive to a reasonable person 2 Public interest Appropriation Elvis Presley Foundation Drones intruding into privacy Phones phone taps fines not jail time no reasonable expectation of privacy Bartnicki vs Vopper Struck down wire tap law Crime to disclose wire oral or electronic communication Clean hands concept did not do interception Newt Gingrich Monica Lewinsky Linda Tripp Can you legally record a convo you re a part of Depends on the state
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