UGA ADPR 3100 - Video Production
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ADPR 3100 1st Edition Lecture 19 Outline of Last Lecture I The Pitch II The Story Outline of Current Lecture Video Production o Storyboard o Production Medium of moving images o Fantasy reality o Editing o Animation o Digital Current Lecture Script vs finished ad Creative team script and storyboard a set of small hand sketch pictures that go along with certain spots in the ad show this to client before they go to making the ad need to make sure they like the idea o Dialog o Major scenes o Suggested camera shoots and transitions if crucial o Music if crucial Outside production company the one that actually puts things together o Casting decide the casting o Blocking where the talent stands and what to do with it o Direction o Specific camera shots o Editing o Postproduction These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Example Bud Light Example of how much an outside production company adds Key message guy will do whatever it takes to get some bud light Rough Choice script Moving images and advertising people in the agency don t make the ads they start it but production companies finish Ads and representation Advertising o Not what people do What you see in advertising is not what real people do it is not a documentary or trying to show literally what people do o How people dream This is what an ad shows you how people wish things were Compelling dreams Motion as visual perception Psychology of perception Early demonstrations o A lot of people made demonstrations before their movies o Zeotrope Fills in the gap between the slots so it looks like continuous motion Film Mimetic o Film is a very mimetic medium pictures looking realistic film is relay good at this because the image you get on film is etched into it by light waves Light etches actual image Compelling o Because it feels so realistic But also fantasy o Film can express fantasy in a realistic way o Images and sequences able to be manipulated Stop the motion o Stop the filming o Change the scene o Start filming again o When you play film back it looks like stuff appear or disappeared out of nowhere o Ex women getting head chopped off realistic portrayal technology does this Simulated sets o Camera has no depth perception o So you could create backdrops for films that were fantasy but looked realistic 2D backdrops Multiple exposure o Shoot a scene o Rewind the film cover part of the camera lens with black cloth o Shoot a second scene on the same film o Result you combine two scenes together that look like they have been shot at once but actually combination of two different scenes Animation Fabricate images o Animation could increase fantasy because you could make your own image and take a picture of it More control over the images greater fantasy Cel animation Technique by Disney o Snow White first animated film employed 750 artists to paint these images 1 hour movie 86 400 cels multi plane camera Clear celluloid Background scene Second piece characters Lay second on top of first and photograph Lay next piece on same background etc Put into sequence that is your moving image Early Television advertising Used all these tools Rudimentary animation Making fantasy more real Pioneered by monster movies o Prosthetics used people but use makeup to look more real Digital movie making really makes more realistic fantasy Fabricate images and action Change content of filmed real action Digital CGI Computer generated images Fabricated images greater fantasy More labor efficient Digital Morphing Another movie technique to make fancy images Opposite of stop motion Steadily turn one thing into another Digital Time Slice Multiple camera shots of the same scene Map shots onto digital 3D grid o Then you can move a camera around and take whatever shot you want to P O V through computer Focus on subject Digital Motion tracking brute force animation o Ex Filmed live model and put it into computer as a graphic use body motion to fabricate animation Digital Face tracking Use motion tracking on facial expressions Greater realism Turn back toward staging Much more expensive and difficult Greater realism Gee whiz value Video production key points Making video ads o Creatives create script and storyboard That is all no camera or shooting o Outside production company does everything else This partnership makes video ads possible Ads and representation o Ads have to represent fantasy as realistically as possible o Analog film editing prosthetics animation o Digital CGI morphing time slice motion tracking Turn back toward creating staging

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UGA ADPR 3100 - Video Production

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 5
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