Machine Learning 10 701 Tom M Mitchell Machine Learning Department Carnegie Mellon University February 22 2011 Today Readings Recommended Jordan Graphical Models Muphy Intro to Graphical Models Clustering Mixture model clustering Learning Bayes Net structure Chow Liu for trees Bayes Network Definition A Bayes network represents the joint probability distribution over a collection of random variables A Bayes network is a directed acyclic graph and a set of CPD s Each node denotes a random variable Edges denote dependencies CPD for each node Xi defines P Xi Pa Xi The joint distribution over all variables is defined as Pa X immediate parents of X in the graph 1 Usupervised clustering Just extreme case for EM with zero labeled examples Clustering Given set of data points group them Unsupervised learning Which patients are similar or which earthquakes customers faces web pages 2 Mixture Distributions Model joint as mixture of multiple distributions Use discrete valued random variable Z to indicate which distribution is being use for each random draw So Mixture of Gaussians Assume each data point X X1 Xn is generated by one of several Gaussians as follows 1 randomly choose Gaussian i according to P Z i 2 randomly generate a data point x1 x2 xn according to N i i EM for Mixture of Gaussian Clustering Let s simplify to make this easier 1 assume X X1 Xn and the Xi are conditionally independent given Z 2 assume only 2 clusters values of Z and Z 3 Assume known 1 K 1i Ki unknown Observed X X1 Xn Unobserved Z X1 X2 X3 X4 3 Z EM Given observed variables X unobserved Z Define where X1 X2 X3 X4 X3 X4 Iterate until convergence E Step Calculate P Z n X n for each example X n Use this to construct M Step Replace current by Z EM E Step Calculate P Z n X n for each observed example X n X n x1 n x2 n xT n X1 X2 4 First consider update for EM M Step Z has no influence X1 Now consider update for ji X2 EM M Step X3 X4 X3 X4 Z ji has no influence X1 X2 Compare above to MLE if Z were observable 5 Z EM putting it together Given observed variables X unobserved Z Define where X1 X2 X3 X4 Iterate until convergence E Step For each observed example X n calculate P Z n X n M Step Update Mixture of Gaussians applet Go to http www socr ucla edu htmls SOCR Charts html then go to Go to Line Charts SOCR EM Mixture Chart try it with 2 Gaussian mixture components kernels try it with 4 6 What you should know about EM For learning from partly unobserved data MLEst of EM estimate Where X is observed part of data Z is unobserved EM for training Bayes networks Can also develop MAP version of EM Can also derive your own EM algorithm for your own problem write out expression for E step for each training example Xk calculate P Zk Xk M step chose new to maximize Learning Bayes Net Structure 7 How can we learn Bayes Net graph structure In general case open problem can require lots of data else high risk of overfitting can use Bayesian methods to constrain search One key result Chow Liu algorithm finds best tree structured network What s best suppose P X is true distribution T X is our tree structured network where X X1 Xn Chou Liu minimizes Kullback Leibler divergence 8 Chow Liu Algorithm Key result To minimize KL P T it suffices to find the tree network T that maximizes the sum of mutual informations over its edges Mutual information for an edge between variable A and B This works because for tree networks with nodes Chow Liu Algorithm 1 for each pair of vars A B use data to estimate P A B P A P B 2 for each pair of vars A B calculate mutual information 3 calculate the maximum spanning tree over the set of variables using edge weights I A B given N vars this costs only O N2 time 4 add arrows to edges to form a directed acyclic graph 5 learn the CPD s for this graph 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 courtesy A Singh C Guestrin Bayes Nets What You Should Know Representation Bayes nets represent joint distribution as a DAG Conditional Distributions D separation lets us decode conditional independence assumptions Inference NP hard in general For some graphs closed form inference is feasible Approximate methods too e g Monte Carlo methods Learning Easy for known graph fully observed data MLE s MAP est EM for partly observed data Learning graph structure Chow Liu for tree structured networks 10
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