UGA ADPR 3100 - Media types; static media
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ADPR 3100 1nd Edition Lecture 17 Outline of Last Lecture I Creative concepts Outline of Current Lecture II Media types a Visual metaphor synergy Current Lecture Media types visual metaphor synergy Media categories for creative work Key techniques o Visual metaphor o Verbal Categorizing media Typical categories ones media planners use o Magazines newspapers TV radio outdoor internet etc Not helpful o For creative people these categories aren t helpful for doing creative work Media categories for creative work Static media o Messages don t move o Print outdoor non animated web stuf Can convey messages that do not move Dynamic media o Messages that move o Video radio animated web banners These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Immersive media o Messages that immerse you in an environment and an experience o Web mobile out of home installations Static dynamic immersive Know which category then you know the o Key characteristics and strengths o Key creative challenges o Key techniques to use to make efective message using this medium This is why these 3 categories are a better way to think about media when being creative Static media Key characteristic o Static don t move The messages don t move Key challenge o Convey key message instantly You have 2 seconds to deliver Key techniques to help you accomplish goal and challenge o Visual metaphor Images in ads images as real but a lot of time ads don t use realistic images Unrealistic images can efectively convey a relevant surprise symbolically convey the key message best images visual metaphors in an ad are understood instantly Visual metaphor in ads Ex idea that the game recharges you sketch of a guy and it shows a man being recharged inside Ex a bottle of juice hanging from the branch visual metaphor for how natural it is Halo Reach monument user generated Monument that exists only digitally o Verbal visual synergy Synergy creative interaction between stuf verbal visual synergy creative interaction between a headline and a picture visuals the combination achieves more than either could separately Example Women grow stronger through challenges as a Marine You can go anywhere if you ve got the right make up Image of a girl marine painted in make up to camouflage SECOND HEADLINE is better Because when you pair the headline with the picture what the headline means changes once the image of marines was paired with it Verbal visual synergy is pairing a headline with an image it conveys a key message synergy not redundancy Example What to wear when shopping for cigarettes the ad is for a delivery the image is a woman with a face mask saying you can wear whatever you want Example Stand apart background is a huge home with HUGE lawn saying you will be standing apart with a higher status and standing apart because of the large land Creative interaction sound and images you can use it in a video Ex computer screen camera circles it with traffic noise in the background then a new sleeker computer comes on and all you hear are little birds chirping Introducing the mac computer So clear what it is trying to tell you Creative interaction dialog and images Shows Sony Walkman on bedside table voice saying it is a drug that people get addicted to starts as a drug then turns into a cell phone o Media concept synergy Between chosen medium and creative concept Medium choice use expresses the concept Ties in with the media consuming context Ties in with the characteristics of the medium itself Ex happy music playing while people come and go past a billboard 3 headlines 3 colors blinking how 1 billboard comes more than just 1 billboard Ex installation of glass they stuck hundreds of cash in public being held in by the glass so if you could break it you could take the cash Showed how strong the glass was Ex Billboard saying hate dropped calls and then the part of the billboard saying calls is physically dropped on the ground under the billboard but so people can see it still Ex fisherman billboard has 2 separate billboards each with one hand showing how big that catch was that got away Key points Media categories for dynamic work o Static o Dynamic o Immersive Key challenges for static o Must convey key message instantly one or 2 seconds o How you do this is with key techniques Visual metaphor verbal visual synergy media concept synergy

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UGA ADPR 3100 - Media types; static media

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 5
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