UT Arlington MANA 3318 - MANA 3318 syllabus

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MANAGING ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR MANA 3318 Section 008 Spring 2010 Instructor Dr Terrance A Wilensky Phone 214 735 7000 Office COB 209 Email twilensky uta edu Office Hours Tuesday and Thursday 4 30 5 30pm or by appointment Course Time Location Tuesday Thursday 5 30pm 6 50pm COB 243 TEXT Nelson D L and Quick J C 2009 Organizational behavior Science the real world and you Mason OH Thomson South Western EXPECTATIONS You should expect to be provided with a broad and comprehensive exposure to current thinking and research related to the behavior of organizations and their human components In turn it is anticipated you will exert the necessary effort to read the assigned material participate in class discussions and be present on a regular basis As a result it is expected you will take ownership of the learning process and hold yourself accountable and responsible for the acquisition and integration of the knowledge and learning related to the subject content and processes COURSE OBJECTIVES This course introduces you to the field of organizational behavior from a comprehensive theoretical and applied perspective Spanning three general levels organizational topics covered will include the following at the individual level personality perception and attribution attitudes value motivation learning emotion stress and well being at the interpersonal and group level work team leadership power and politics and at the organizational level work design structure culture and organizational change Through discussions of class material in class exercises and assignments you will establish basic understanding of the dynamic of organizational behavior enabling application of this knowledge to management skills in organizations When you have finished this course you should be able to 1 Recognize the impact of individual personality values emotions and attitudes e g locus of control job satisfaction in the workplace 2 Identify and differentiate the major theories of work motivation 3 Identify characteristics of group team dynamics and their decision making 4 Recognize the major theories of leadership e g transformational leadership and their core tenets GRADES Grade Composition Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Exam 4 Total Possible Points 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points Total Class Points 400 points Grade A B C D F Percentage 90 100 80 89 70 79 60 69 0 59 Total Points 360 400 320 359 280 319 250 279 0 249 Grades are based solely on points earned on tests and in classes and are non negotiable No personal problems will be taken into account in assigning grades Exams There will be four exams each of which will be multiple choice and true false There will be no make up exams under any circumstances If you miss an exam you will receive a 0 score Test material will come from either the text book or lecture Exams in this class will be comprehensive and detailed and material from the book that is not covered in lecture will be included Topics discussed during class and not included in the text book may be included on each exam The lowest score of the four exams is to be dropped from the final grade When the lowest score is dropped your grade will be calculated as the average of your three highest scores Note All four exams must be completed in order to qualify the dropping of the lowest score Grievance Procedure If you have a challenge to a specific exam question you must use the established Grievance Procedure The Grievance Procedure requires you to present your case to me in writing with the following information a Student name b Question or item number c Your chosen answer d The basis to support your alternative such as text pages with clear rationale I will review any grievances and will make a judgment about whether additional points will be awarded for the item in question ATTENDANCE Attendance at and participation in class are necessary to receive the full benefit and are encouraged You are free to make your own decisions about attending class and participating However I will test on material covered in class lectures and not all this material covered will be in the book Thus please be advised that not attending class is likely to have a negative impact on your test grades In addition from time to time pop quizzes may be administered Points earned on these quizzes will add to your overall semester average COMMUNICATION VIA EMAIL As per new recommendations from the university student inquires will only be responded if they are from a UTA email account You are encouraged to check your UTA account frequently to ensure timely communication ACADEMIC DISHONESTY It is the philosophy of The University of Texas at Arlington that academic dishonesty is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated in any form All persons involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance with University regulations and procedures Discipline may include suspension or expulsion from the University Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating plagiarism collusion the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person taking an examination for another person any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts Regents Rules and Regulations Part One Chapter VI Section 3 Subsection 3 2 Subdivision 3 22 DISABILITY POLICY If you require accommodations for a disability please consult with me at the beginning of the semester Faculty members are required by law to provide reasonable accommodation to students with disabilities but it is your responsibility is to inform me of your disability at the beginning of the semester and provide me with documentation authorizing the specific accommodation Student services at UTA include the Office for Students with Disabilities located in the lower level of the University Center which is responsible for verifying and implementing accommodations to ensure equal opportunity in all programs and activities DROP POLICIES It is the student s responsibility to complete the course or withdraw from the course in accordance with University Regulations You are strongly encouraged to verify your grade status before dropping a course after the first withdrawal date It is also the student s responsibility to determine whether it is a good idea to drop the class A student who drops after the first withdrawal date may receive an F in the course if the student is failing at the time the

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UT Arlington MANA 3318 - MANA 3318 syllabus

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