ADPR 3100 1st Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Last Lecture I Guest speaker Outline of Current Lecture II Creative Research a Purpose and goals b Supporting academic areas c Methods and types d Uses Current Lecture Creative Research Purpose and goals supporting academic areas methods and types uses High Stakes High stakes for the creative team that have to come up with the campaign ideas o Million of revenue for clients High cost of TV ads Paying all the media money to schedule these things Creative Research Strategic research o Study past and current actions and behaviors o For example how many people in our attended target purchased our product 6 months compared to 12 o How well does the brand currently fit target markets Creative Research o totally different o not talking about past and current but current and future diff time frame o not talking about actions and behaviors of target market but the effectiveness of advertising o Question asked and answered in creative research what kind of advertising is going to have the maximum appeal to the target market These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Research into advertising about advertising what kind of ads should we do o Key point limit at which creative research can provide is that it can give a creative team a really good idea of what to say Central Role Stages in which to use creative research Development of creative strategy figuring out general way of figuring out how to sell Pretesting executions testing your ads and showing a number of variations and have them respond Evaluating campaign are you able to achieve creatively brand recognition and stuff Stages Evaluating Campaign Graphs can show example Super bowl red means it was disliked and green means it was liked o second by second reaction graph o Spray tan ad etc all ads during super bowl Areas of study give insight to explain how Ads work A student of people o A good advertiser is a student of people who can understand how people are and how they think in a very profound way o Bill Bernach Sociology o Life cycle stages o At every stage we have a certain set of needs buying habits and preferences o At every stage there is a different set of products that make sense and that don t Ex teens don t pay for rent your money can be spent loosely o Life cycle stage generates your preferences Psychology o VALS personality types help advertisers o Categorization schemes on people if you can accurately categorize your target market by personality you have a leg up on how to appeal to them Anthropology o In terms of creative aspect of advertising o Meaning systems They have documented how compelling it is for people to buy a product about what it signifies about the owner of the product People give meanings to products define them Research in creative development Hunt for the insight o At this point a creative team is after insight No direct definition it can be anything The most valuable thing for creative development to find at this stage the beginning It has 2 parts they are opposites On one hand insight needs to be something that people typically don t think about when they think about the product At same time it is something that is absolutely central to the product and its use Example of insight BBQ grills people want great tasting food the griller can t socialize Which of these is a better example of insight about grills 2 the second is more useful because it is not typically thought about when thinking about grilling Methods and sources o Focus group Through open ended discussion some insights will come out that the creative team hadn t known and maybe drive campaign o Existing ads focus groups Second way to do creative research combine focus groups with a study of ads that are already out there by competitors useful because you can see if there is any patterns in the kind of approach key selling idea if so you know what not to say if you want to stand out and what to do differently to stand out and gives you a sense of what kind of approach to take ex they take serious approach you do opposite Ex Milk seen as boring and dull compared to coke not having milk was what the campaign was built on Got Milk o Ethnographic research Ex MTV market researchers visited typical fan in his home talked to them about important issues dealing with parents dating stress factors etc they video this and show it to department meetings and share their insights Not having people come to them but actually going to their target market trying to get insights you can see what they wear where they are etc Key points Creative research o It tries to find insights into the general creative appeal that will inform your campaign hunting for insight o Key academic areas of study Sociology anthropology psychology Help with insights o Key methods and sources o Hunt for the insight
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