Machine Learning 10 701 Tom M Mitchell Machine Learning Department Carnegie Mellon University April 26 2011 Today Readings Learning of control policies Markov Decision Processes Temporal difference learning Q learning Mitchell chapter 13 Kaelbling et al Reinforcement Learning A Survey Thanks to Aarti Singh for several slides Tom Mitchell April 2011 Reinforcement Learning Sutton and Barto 1981 Samuel 1957 Tom Mitchell April 2011 1 Reinforcement Learning Backgammon Learning task chose move at arbitrary board states Tessauro 1995 Training signal final win or loss Training played 300 000 games against itself Algorithm reinforcement learning neural network Result World class Backgammon player Tom Mitchell April 2011 Outline Learning control strategies Credit assignment and delayed reward Discounted rewards Markov Decision Processes Solving a known MDP Online learning of control strategies When next state function is known value function V s When next state function unknown learning Q s a Role in modeling reward learning in animals Tom Mitchell April 2011 2 Tom Mitchell April 2011 Markov Decision Process Reinforcement Learning Setting Set of states S Set of actions A At each time agent observes state st S then chooses action at A Then receives reward rt and state changes to st 1 Markov assumption P st 1 st at st 1 at 1 P st 1 st at Also assume reward Markov P rt st at st 1 at 1 P rt st at The task learn a policy S A for choosing actions that maximizes for every possible starting state s0 Tom Mitchell April 2011 3 HMM Markov Process Markov Decision Process Tom Mitchell April 2011 HMM Markov Process Markov Decision Process Tom Mitchell April 2011 4 Reinforcement Learning Task for Autonomous Agent Execute actions in environment observe results and Learn control policy S A that maximizes from every state s S Example Robot grid world deterministic reward r s a Tom Mitchell April 2011 Reinforcement Learning Task for Autonomous Agent Execute actions in environment observe results and Learn control policy S A that maximizes from every state s S Yikes Function to be learned is S A But training examples are not of the form s a They are instead of the form s a r Tom Mitchell April 2011 5 Value Function for each Policy Given a policy S A define assuming action sequence chosen according to starting at state s Then we want the optimal policy where For any MDP such a policy exists We ll abbreviate V s as V s Note if we have V s and P st 1 st a we can compute s Tom Mitchell April 2011 Value Function what are the V s values Tom Mitchell April 2011 6 Value Function what are the V s values Tom Mitchell April 2011 Immediate rewards r s a State values V s Tom Mitchell April 2011 7 Recursive definition for V S assuming actions are chosen according to the optimal policy Tom Mitchell April 2011 Value Iteration for learning V assumes P St 1 St A known Initialize V s arbitrarily Loop until policy good enough Loop for s in S Loop for a in A End loop End loop V s converges to V s Dynamic programming Tom Mitchell April 2011 8 Value Iteration Interestingly value iteration works even if we randomly traverse the environment instead of looping through each state and action methodically but we must still visit each state infinitely often on an infinite run For details Bertsekas 1989 Implications online learning as agent randomly roams If max over states difference between two successive value function estimates is less than then the value of the greedy policy differs from the optimal policy by no more than Tom Mitchell April 2011 So far learning optimal policy when we know P st st 1 at 1 What if we don t Tom Mitchell April 2011 9 Q learning Define new function closely related to V If agent knows Q s a it can choose optimal action without knowing P st 1 st a And it can learn Q without knowing P st 1 st a Tom Mitchell April 2011 Immediate rewards r s a State values V s State action values Q s a Bellman equation Consider first the case where P s s a is deterministic Tom Mitchell April 2011 10 Tom Mitchell April 2011 Tom Mitchell April 2011 11 Tom Mitchell April 2011 Use general fact Tom Mitchell April 2011 12 Tom Mitchell April 2011 Tom Mitchell April 2011 13 Tom Mitchell April 2011 MDP s and RL What You Should Know Learning to choose optimal actions A From delayed reward By learning evaluation functions like V S Q S A Key ideas If next state function St x At St 1 is known can use dynamic programming to learn V S once learned choose action At that maximizes V St 1 If next state function St x At St 1 unknown learn Q St At E V St 1 to learn sample St x At St 1 in actual world once learned choose action At that maximizes Q St At Tom Mitchell April 2011 14 MDPs and Reinforcement Learning Further Issues What strategy for choosing actions will optimize learning rate explore uninvestigated states obtained reward exploit what you know so far Partially observable Markov Decision Processes state is not fully observable maintain probability distribution over possible states you re in Convergence guarantee with function approximators our proof assumed a tabular representation for Q V some types of function approximators still converge e g nearest neighbor Gordon 1999 Correspondence to human learning Tom Mitchell April 2011 15
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