WSU HBM 131 - Presentations on Holland America and Micro Brews

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HBM 131 1st Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Last Lecture I II Boyd s Coffee Cupping and Quality Outline of Current Lecture I II III Holland America Cruise Lines Micro Beers and Food Pairing On Site Food Service Current Lecture I Holland America Cruise Lines Won best value A About the Company 1 Passenger cruise lines and commercial 2 The Spotless Fleet 1880 1920 fleet spotless for passengers traveling 3 Green certified since 2007 less energy and gas recycling friendly modified refrigerators hotel green practices 4 Philanthropy on deck Ship to Shelter and On Deck for a Cause B Ships 1 15 mid sized ships 2 Price varies on destination range from 400 to 7 000 3 Number of different sized rooms or suites 4 15 main destinations C Culinary 1 5 renowned chefs from around the world Rudi Sodamin Mark Best Elizabeth Faulkner David Burke etc 2 As you wish dinning program different choices 6 dinning locations on the ship C Attractions on the ships 1 Dancing photo booths cooking courses 2 Over 2 000 books Internet access and library 3 Bahamas private island international wildlife preservation center II Micro Beers and Food Pairing A What is a Micro Beer 1 Brewed in the comfort of one s home or small pubs B Aspects within the beer 1 Hop bitterness counteracts with rich sauces cuts through fat in food 2 Carbonation scrubs the tongue of fat and prepares it for the next bite 3 Comes in 3 body types light medium and heavy 4 Pair light foods with lighter beers and pair heavier foods with heavy beers 5 Food pairing chart gives descriptions and suggestions B How to Pair Beer and Food 1 Beer Types Ales specialty brews IPAs 2 Interaction of Beer and Food elements spices heat and herbs fat sweetness acidity C More ingredients more options 1 Popular ingredients hops barley yeast nuts spices fruits vegetables and chocolate D Cooking with Beer 1 Enhances particular ingredients helping blend the flavors of the dish 2 Different types of beer different flavors Ale wheat beers fruity mellow crisp edged flowers Pale ale cheese fish and chips Porter stews Lagers bitter spicy Asian flavors and oily fish

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WSU HBM 131 - Presentations on Holland America and Micro Brews

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