UGA ADPR 3100 - Digital Media
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ADPR 3100 1st Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture I Television Outline of Current Lecture II Digital Media Current Lecture Digital Media Emergence Initially used in producer led paradigm ways o A way to deliver one way messages from advertisers to markets More time looking at the computer screen than the TV advertisers on cyberspace internet cookies can track internet users over 90 don t click on advertisements they see on internet Cybergold pays you maybe 50 cents to more to engage in the advertisements Started off being one way delivery messages Evaluating digital STRENGTHS o Relatively low cost per impression o Precise pricing pricing of an ad can be precisely measured digital you know exactly how many people potentially saw it and thought it was important enough to take action on o Engaging Digital when done well can be so engaging it has interactivity making it very engaging and memorable message o Timely It lives on servers you can continually change and upgrade it alter it depending on what is going on o Segmentation Digital is so good at segmenting markets These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute LIMITATIONS o Uncertainty How to use it effectively is an issue no clear understanding of how to use it effectively as an advertising medium So used as a supplemental medium Importance of digital media TV is the only one increasing the rest are slightly decreasing BUT digital internet is the only one steadily increasing o By 2015 44 5 in media dollars spent on digital Scheduling and buying Segment by daypart o Digital can segment a market by selecting a daypart in of which your ad is available o Deals with content sites not email and search Clear pattern emerges the largest audience is during the day Most teens young adults are at school so they use it Others are at job with access to it Maximize reach by looking at day time If you are under 18 most effective daypart to do it is evenings and weekends Largest at work audience 10 to noon on weekdays Segment by platform o You can segment by the device by its peak usage which are at different points in the day o Desktop usage peak is at 3 pm o Mobile usage peak is at 11 pm o Table usage peaks at 9 pm Market Research Key strength of digital because it can generate huge amounts of user data for your target market Using digital you can collect data quickly automatically and inexpensively o Every company can do it themselves don t need to hire people IP address unique ID for every user o This makes the whole system work o Every device that connects to the internet has a unique IP address internet protocol whether it is phone desktop tablet o Based on just this unique identifier you can track where this device is used and what pages it accesses o Can collect this as page views how many times has this device accessed this particular page today per week per month o Visit page sent it to this page and where did it go after can see the trail of visit string of requests IP address makes it possible o Geographic location IP address when connects to internet also gives geographical info about where device is located o IP Address is a goldmine for researchers Cookies o Automatic thing that marketers use to collect data o Data placed on your computer by a website or web service Whenever you visit a website it puts onto your computer in your browser a string of code that identifies your computer uniquely for that company every time after that you access that company s website it looks for that cookie and recognizes you as a returning visit and can link your future and past visits can see over time how often you visit and which pages you visit o Identifies it uniquely o Tracks page views o Browser gives you option to delete cookies Market research IP addresses and cookies are INVOLUTNARY But there are voluntary ways to provide data o Survey responses user accounts This is why companies ask you to make an account that is free they make money off this Provides additional data if say on FB you say your relationship status interests etc Audience measurement Size o Reach frequency GI GRP Cost efficiency o How efficient is my use of advertising dollars in digital vs other kinds of media o per GRP very common measure of cost efficiency o per GI Pricing precisely metered o Digital can track precisely how many people see that ad and how many are interested enough to click on it for more info o Cost per click Way which digital company price how much they charge for making some space for an advertiser on their website They charge you if someone actually clicks the ad to go to the website not if they see it Effectiveness click through rate o CTR click throughs x 100 Total impressions o How many times people actually clicked on it total impressions that page has gotten o Measure of how compelling that ad is o It is a percentage o Very important measure of effectiveness that is specific to digital Monitoring o What do advertisers do once they have collected this info o Small company may have web person who pulls weekly reports but a big company will have elaborate systems to monitor all of this Creative development o Monitoring to see if effectively helps lead to creative development Verification No single industry group or company exists for digital to verify If a media planner have to go to the company and ask about their website In part because of this digital is still wild west in terms of being dependable No way to verify what circulation and hits exist Producer led paradigm uses How is digital used by advertisers Digital can be used in a huge variety of ways so can be divided into to kinds producer led ways and consumer led ways Producer led use one way message delivery Key technologies that make that happen Internet o Packet switching what makes it capable to dish out so much info If you have a file you want to send from A to B you don t send the whole file at first it cuts up file into pieces each is called packet and does so now it can send each packet individually on whatever route is the fastest Travels however system thinks is best they all go simultaneously which makes them get their faster A lot more can happen simultaneously b c not lining up messages one at a time Then browser reassembles it into the file that its supposed to be in this is how it handles the huge volume Packet switching and segmentation handles much more info

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UGA ADPR 3100 - Digital Media

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 7
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