ADPR 3100 Lecture 11 Outline of Last Lecture I First lecture of test 2 material Outline of Current Lecture II Newspapers Magazines a Emergence b Strengths and Limitations c Ratings and Buyings d Verification Current Lecture Lecture 1 of new material Newspapers Magazines Emergence Strengths and Limitations Ratings and Buyings Buyings and Evaluating Verification NEWSPAPERS In terms of reach just okay o Only 1 5 of adults regularly read the newspaper so this is why its reach isn t too good o More of a supplemental medium used to boost frequency among particular market segments In terms of frequency pretty good especially a DAILY newspaper In terms of cost impression pretty well up there o Newspaper advertising is comparatively pretty expensive Newspaper strengths High reach with older upscale opinion leaders o Desirable target markets Newspapers have a high credibility o So advertising is seen as being truthful just by being in a newspaper Newspaper advertising is very immediate o You could change the ad every day if you wanted can t do that with a TV ad These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Newspaper drawbacks Clutter o Standard newspaper page has a million of ads o How will yours stand out That is the problem of clutter Declining readership o People are reading newspaper less and less Increasing cost of advertising Challenges from online news aggregators o Everyone can just get online to read news updates so why pay for newspaper subscription Enhanced targeting Sell their value to media planners in terms of how well they can target and segment markets Nonsubscriber supplements o Newspapers use tools to boost their reach ex nonsubscriber supplements when you move to a new town they will just mail them to you without you asking Free issues delivered to nonsubscribers o Ex moving to Athens 2 free weeks of newspapers Sections and special inserts o The way newspapers are organized are planned o If you want to reach older business community you advertise in the business section o If you want to reach young men advertise in sports Zoned editions Best uses of newspapers for media planners 1 If you are doing a campaign for a local retail business a store newspapers are the best for local businesses newspapers make it easy for them to advertise advertising directed at people who have already made their decision at what to do o newspaper ads people don t go to decide what to buy but to see where it is sold locally and price Categories classified advertising most profitable for newspapers make more off of this than anything Categories display advertising 2 varieties o primarily local businesses o supplemental for national Categories co op advertising Cooperation between local businesses and national companies o They work together Ex owner of peachMac business owner doesn t have time to work on the advertisement for his company Partnership local merchants lower costs national companies extended reach MAGAZINES Profile In terms of reach even worse than newspapers o Newspapers are very specific in who they target so not a good reach but this is intentional o It is largely a supplemental medium Boosting reach and frequency in particular market segments not to drive the whole campaign Frequency they are okay most magazines comes out once a month not once a day so not as good as newspapers Cost impression maybe even more expensive than newspapers Drawbacks of magazines as advertising medium Cost Clutter Long lead time o Problem not shared with newspapers o You must have your ad ready to go 2 or 3 months before you want it to appear Difficult to reach large audience segments Strengths of magazines as advertising medium Like newspapers but even more so magazines do very well in segmenting markets o There is a magazine for everyone photographers skaters healthy eaters etc o Magazine for every hobby lifestyle etc Strong visuals o Full color images can lead to greater effectiveness Long life boost reach and frequency per issue o Magazines hang around stay on a coffee table maybe people read it more than once or give away to your friends etc Thus they have a larger reach than what circulation says High credibility o This influences how people influence the ads seem more credible o Magazines seen as most effective medium in providing knowledge and usable ideas o This carries over into how people view the ads of respondents seeing the ads see the ads as being more credible than the stories almost 2 3 bought the product as advertised this is unbelievable best use of magazines complete information o if ad is trying to give people complete info about a product or service magazine ads can have paragraphs and people will read it need for supplemental medium to boost reach frequency if you are after older target more affluent segments magazines have creative flexibility as an advertising medium layout o page or whole part of a page island etc paper o don t have to print on the standard paper color o can use color effectively o different kind of inks on different kind of papers o metallic gold ink will literally shimmer in the light samples o ex perfume samples Rate structure of magazines How prices are determined they vary a lot o 3 factors that determine cost how often you plan to run an ad just once paying more per square inch than if you are running it 5 or 10 times volume discount offered to advertisers by magazines cheaper the more you buy how big an ad is if you by a small area more expensive per square inch but a big one per square inch you will be spending less how picky where the ad appears Buying Cost and number of readers aren t everything Effectiveness in reaching your target market that is what you are trying to buy Cost efficiency o CPM cost per thousand readers o Lower the CPM the more cost efficient a better media buy o CPM cost of space x 1 000 Circulation o Weighted CMP Cost efficiency of a publication in reaching portion of readership that is your target audience Weighted CMP cost of space x 1 000 Circulation in your target market Reach of magazines GRPs gross rating points o Percent of total target market o GRPs total circulation of all ads Total target market Cost effectiveness How cost effective is your mix of print placements o Which am I using my money in most efficiently per GRP total cost of print space GRPs delivered by print Verification Audit bureau of circulations ABC
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