ADPR 3100 1st Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Media planning a Trends and planning b Strategy c Scheduling d Tactics Outline of Current Lecture II Out of home a Emergence b Strengths and limitations c Ratings Buying d Buying and Evaluation e Verification Current Lecture Out of home Emergence Strengths and limitations Ratings buying Buying and evaluating Verification Outdoor advertising vs out of home advertising For media planners outdoor advertising means billboards only Out of home advertising means billboards plus anything and everything us you can see outside your home These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Out of home is the bigger category Profile In terms of reach out of home isn t really good o Used for target markets that are local and mobile target markets people out and about o Out of home is largely used as a supplemental medium rarely the primary means for a media plan use out of home to boost levels of frequency or whatever In terms of frequency is good In terms of cost impression good Supplemental If your campaign is largely TV out of home provides a realy strong visual to reinforce the tv campaigns If you havea lot of ads on the radio out of home provides the missing visual If a lot of advertising comes to target market though magazines out of home can boost the frequency If you have a campaign working through newspapers out of home provides better graphics and thus impact it provides something that is missing from these primary medias so it is supplementary Strengths what it can do that others can t In pioneering stage it helps build brand name recognition effectively In retentive stage out of home provides reminders of the product and the brand ex sign of just a picture of coca cola on broad just a reminder of the brand to people who are already aware Drawbacks Target markets exposure to out of home is voluntary and brief o People have to choose to look that direct brief because you can only glance at a billboard o Designing the piece of outdoor advertising is crucial b c one second to deliver message It is voluntary and brief BECAUSE viewers are preoccupied o By driving There are few premium sites o A spot where you can put outdoor ad that has a lot of traffic Outdoor advertising is criticized as visual pollution o Junks up the surrounding areas Buying OOH How media planners buying out of home First thing they need is daily effective circulation DEC o This gives a media planner an idea of how many people go buy a particular piece of out of home in a 24 hour period o How this is calculated depends if the piece is lit or not if the billboard or whatever has light on it because then it is visible 24 hours a day o If lit 24 hour traffic count x 64 2 3 because 2 3 who drive by actually see it o If not lit 24 hour traffic count x 45 if not lit at night half the time of seeing it doesn t count Add up DEC for all posters in allotment You buy a group of billboards building sides called an allotment from a media company Buying OOH GRPs Gross rating point percentage of the adult population per day in a single local market o so say each billboard in an allotment would be measured in terms of GRPs o ex if a whole allotment generated 50 GRPs this means every day 50 of the target market notices one of these signs o in terms of outdoors allotments come in sets of 50 or 100 GRPs must get an idea how much each allotment costs and if it is a good idea Calculating GRP Per allotment GRPs total DEC for allotment Total market population Gross impressions Gross impressions for reach is important to compare allotments Measure of total exposures duplicated audiences how many total pairs of eyeballs see one of these ads GI GRPs x continuity Cost effectiveness per GRP total cost of allotment GRPs in allotment per 1 000 GI total cost of allotment GIs in allotment 1 000 this is how they choose which one to go with the one they choose is most cost efficient Verification how is out of home verified How do I know this sign can be seen at night And people drive by A whole separate company that collects this info and sells it to out of home media companies and advertisers that verifies it Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement TAB o Market based traffic data o Count how many cars go by in a 24 hour period o Check the visibility of signs trees haven t grown over lights are on etc Perception Research Services PRS o Interested in whether people are paying attention to these messages and which one they are paying more attention to o They do eye tracking studies See where your pupils go people drive around and check which signs people do and don t look at o They claim that notice and read it o They believe the bigger the sign the more it gets noticed Simmons Market Research Bureau SMRB o They are interested in whether people remember what they saw o Conduct annual studies consisting of interviews of 25 000 people in the US They ask questions about media usage have you used media in the last week which kinds order of importance collect data to see what media is used the most often and by which kinds of people Also questions to evaluate recall have you been out driving lately do you remember seeing billboards and which one which do you remember most o Buyer s Guide to Outdoor Advertising All this data is collected into one big catalogue listing geographically organized of every company that sells out of home advertising space in the country Contact them to see what they have in terms of allotments and costs Other out of home a lot of this is driven by technological innovations o digital and mobile Transit shelters o Useful out of home form you can put a billboard on the side of a transit shelters drivers and people standing by to catch the bus will see it Bus billboards o Mobile boosting the reach Bus wrap o Heightened version of bus billboard this is where you wrap the whole bus with a billboard it will catch your eye Building walls o Sharp photos on buildings attached to the wall Digital outdoor D3 sculptural media Tech innovations Out of home review Low cost high frequency needs o Out of home can really help you boost frequency at low cost If in addition you are worth local audiences plus mobile ones out of home is good If you have a creative message If in pioneering of retentive stage out of home is on your radar
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