Perspectives on Statistical Practice Statistical Pedagogy 36 701 Instructor Course Leader Brian Junker Writing Consultant Tim Dawson Guest Lecturers and Panels Class Meetings MW 1 30 2 20 BH 231B 1 Pedagogy Activities that impart knowledge Goals of the course 1 Become effective communicators of statistical ideas knowledge 2 Develop understanding of the elements of statistical practice 2 I TEACHING We ll Talk about How do students learn and what are the the needs and difficulties of the learner What are the current trends in statistics education What are the challenges in teaching statistics How can we help students learn and retain Practice in Instruction Oded Meyer Supervised practice in TA related activities labs office hours grading Mini lectures 3 Eberly Teaching Center Michele DiPietro Presentation on conducting office hours Labs observations and feedback Applying coginitive principles in teaching Presentation on teaching first year students 4 II CROSS DISCIPLINARY WORK CONSULTING What are some good and bad practices of statistical consulting video Panel discussions on cross disciplinary work Statistics Faculty Ethics in Statistics Research Joel Greenhouse Teaching Consulting 5 III WRITING We ll supervise the writing of two paper assignments one from 711 one from 707 Presentation on technical writing Tim Dawson English Department Individual meetings with Tim after first draft is due 6 The heart of statistical practice is the process of A B A 1 Where A Translating a scientific research question into well posed statistical problems B Solve the problems A 1 translating the results back into a product that is accessible to the relevant scientific community Also important when teaching introductory courses tutor 7 Handouts 1 Assignment 1 from 36 711 For next week Wednesday 9 8 Think about the A part translate the research question into 2 3 statistical problems and write them down 2 Examples of old 707 papers 8 What s coming Wed 9 1 Meet here a little early presentation in the Library Instruction Center Hunt Library Paul Neuhaus Mon 9 6 Labor Day Wed 9 8 More about the Clinical Depression assignment and ABA 1 9
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