UT Knoxville BCMB 230 - 10:3:13

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10 3 13 10 03 2013 Ear Middle ear air filled space like external ear that vibration now transfers to the cochlea to the oval window o the bone sitting on top of the oval window is called the incoa When we age we loose elasticity of the baslar membrane and we begin to loose high frequency sound o Start loosing that pitch at our age Dog whistles Takeing sound from wide area to a small area o Trymponic membrane to cochlea o acts like the liver of the ear Can control this o Want to do this to be able to prevent damage Protective against loud sound Have to have good air pressure to help with the ear drum o Stick head in water o or atmospheric pressure when ears pop auditory tube if move jaw will open this auditory tube have to have ears pop to prevent fluid or wrong pressure in medulla Sneeze or cough quietly hold in is bad because the bad stuff in the throat will come back up into the ears getting tubes in ears poke a hole in the tympanic membrane because in kids the development from the jaw ear connection area o these tubes allow drainage out and relieve the pressure and pain Chemosenses taste smell viscera Chemo receptors act pretty much the same way as chemical messengers binding site with certain specificity but often the specificity may be for taste or lesser extent smell which is very broad TASTE 5 o sweet tip of tongue if want most sweetness from lollipop don t put all the way the sweet receptors bind with the sweet in the lollipop o souro salty o bitter o savory law of proportiono ex sweet and sour chicken got probably everything but bitter how do I know its sweet and sour The amount of each flavor Its not about how much of a receptor is stimulated but the amount of each receptor stimulated i e PROPORTION SMELL similar arrangement many many kinds of receptors instead of 5 or so receptors there are probably hundreds In nasal cavity is a much more powerful sense than taste connection in mouth and nose can smell the food in our mouth that we are tasting So the food we taste is not just interaction with tongue but also smell o When have a head cold this is why the food doesn t taste as good mucus is covering Hold nose when take something that tastes bad may help a lil bet also really kinda just a distraction o o o EYE three main layers o outer sclera white cornea clear o choroid middle lens ciliary muscle iris muscle hole in the middle pupil o inner most layer Retina more towards the back photoreceptors are here blind spot is part of optic nerve where no photo receptors are Fovea Centralis Function not only to detect light but to actually focus the light into the inside to see shapes In order to focus we have to bend the light to focus it called refraction so its given a nice sharp image 2 things influence refraction o Change in density listen to example We can think of our eye as fluid filled does better in air than water goggles gives us the different density so we can bend the light right o Curvature Cornea and lens help with the curvature o Cornea more helps with the bending of the light fixed not adjustable o lens just really curvature not really much of density but has the ability to change shape ADJUSTABLE can make it longer and fatter what happens if it loses elasticity Doesn t do that as well anymore have another issue with focus o bright light in front lots of light rays coming at the eye the ones not coming in fairly directly to the pupil are harder to bend CONSTRICT THE PUPIL easier to focus DIALATE THE PUPIL harder to focus IRIS AUTONOMIC sympathetic dilate not very good if looking at something up close but far away is good so if im running away parasympathetic constrict if im reading the news paper im at rest Photo receptors o Rod Cells sensitive to relatively narrower tend to be wider distribution also found in differenct places of eye outside of the fovea periferal vision colors red blue green density of receptors are lower so cant focus as well as cone cells during the signal transduction process if I stimulate these photochemicals within the photo receptors with light then that s gonna send me generate and action potential and that photochemical is inactive ive gotta have a way to go back to avtive and get an action potential again Cant get action potential from inactive form IF im in a bright room my photochemicals are INACTIVE I can see just fine if i turn off all the lights cant see but if I wait a few seconds I can start to see a few things regenerating the action potential have dark and light adaptation dark adaptation increasing the amount of photochemicals increases my sensitivity to light light adaptation decreasing the amount of photochemicals decreasing the chemical activity reduce the sensitivity o if I wanna sit in dark without shining flash light all the time is there something I can do to see better if wanna see better in dark use peripherals rods more sensitive to light might not be so sharp bad thing with flash light can only see other things red light doesn t influence sensitivity of the rods and red cone cells can adapt to see This is better a red flashlight Cone Cells fovea really dense here more acuity being able to see the detail o so if I want to focus on something do so on the FOVEA less sensitive to light than rods sensitivity and acutity o sensitivity type of cell o acutity density cones more dense than rods o MUSCLE Smooth relatively small no striations controlled by autonomic nervous system skeletal long cells o more than one nucleus in one cell o striped pattern striations due to different amounts of overlapping proteins o somatic nervous system runs this cardiac some striations some have more than one nucleas Skeletal muscle 3 main classes of proteins o contractile actin spherical myofilimats a series of these will make a filimat wil make sphere myosin binding sights on each of the loops myosin golf club shape fillimates have a myosin head can be in 2 different confermations positions energized state has a lot of potential energy just in the shape of the protein Think of this as a cocked mouse trap energy in that spring ready to be moved into nonen ATP binding non energized state think of done mouse trap actin binding ADP binding b c active took the ATP o atp being broken down CROSS BRIDGE actin and myosin connection o support proteins structural help us to arrange these protiense to the right structures Same pattern reproduced thousands of times Functional unit piece of something I need for the overall functionSARCOMERE Z proteins

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UT Knoxville BCMB 230 - 10:3:13

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