UGA ADPR 3100 - Media Planning
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ADPR 3100 1st Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Strategic Planning a Brands and Planning b Key Considerations c Key parts Outline of Current Lecture II Media Planning a Trends and Planning b Strategy c Scheduling d Tactics Current Lecture Strategic Planning What you see in the ads you can t see all of the strategic planning that was behind it Markets constantly changing Planning never stops Media Planning Trends and planning Strategy Scheduling Tactics Media Media means how are we going to get our message out to the target market 1 Planning Research o Select media types know what media your target market uses o Building block strategy you don t have unlimited money so you first want to buy and select media to deliver your primary target market then pick some media to deliver your second most market with extra money etc Prioritize your spending These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 2 Buying o Select negotiate specific placements Go out and buy time space bundle of banners o Monitor Spend time monitoring the media to see their ads did appear Key dimensions of media planning Media planning is tough to do well You must juggle 4 different things o Budget This is the biggest you have to decide how to spend it o Continuity The duration of the campaign 1 week or 6 months o Frequency The average number of times ads are seen by a member of the target market o Reach How many people see the ads in target market But this is complicated Reach is a quantity how many people in the target market saw the ads First way media planners think about reach is in term of Impressions How many people in the target market saw the ads duplicates or not so you count every exposure so not how many people but how many exposures The measure of the effort being put into putting the messages out Gross rating points GRPs A percentage not a count like impressions It says what percentage of the total market saw the ads have to juggle reach frequency continuity and budget The more you spend on one the less you have for the other Trade offs reach There are ways that they make these decisions it depends on each campaign Network TV is good at delivering reach lessens with newspapers then magazines Trade offs frequency Certain media delivers frequency much better than others Radio is the best But the more money you put into delivering frequency with radio less for reach Choosing frequency level Audience motivation Purchase decision o If trying to encourage impulse purchase you don t need frequency o But on purchases such as cars and computers typically need higher levels of frequency Message complexity o If it s a simple product low levels of frequency are fine Advertising effectiveness o High creative campaign will need high frequency Time of day o Has to do with how much attention people in your target market are devoting to that medium Competitive pressure o How much advertising are competitors doing if a lot then high frequency needed Determining continuity How long should campaign run When should it start and end o All depends on the kind of product and target market o When the decision is made compared to when the purchase is made Ex campaign to entice people to ski in Utah during winter variety in how far in advance people chose Utah for some there were less than 2 weeks between making the decision and traveling the expcetion most made it 3 to 4 months in advance so they saw when people would travel the most and how far prior they made the decision So they ran campaign starting in summer all the way through Thanksgiving it fit the kind of product Utah skiing and the kind of buying decision Scheduling How many exposures per week on average do you want 3 kinds of patterns scheduling frequency o Steady pattern Same frequency throughout the whole campaign o Pulsing pattern Alternates week of higher levels of frequency vs weeks of lower levels of frequency They want to gain higher impact without spending more the hope is the awareness built during peaks carry over in periods of low activity and ultimately yields higher level of awareness o Flighting pattern More extreme than pulsing but otherwise the same Super high frequency then none at all Best trade off Trade offs are important to understand in terms of media planning How much reach vs frequency vs continuity o Knowing there is not an unlimited amount of money Ex Chewing gum o You would want to emphasize reach and continuity Why not frequency Because gum is simple Ex labor day luxury car sale o You will pour money into frequency Then reach and continuity Reach isn t important b c luxury car not that many have the financial ability to do this so you are reaching small target Continuity it isn t all year its 5 days You want to hammer on this Ex top of the line jewelry collection o Continuity and frequency are the big ones here This jewelry can be given any time of the year Cost effectiveness Gross rating point GRP of the market Lets you compare KEY POINTS Media planning Media planning is a juggling act o Between reach continuity frequency and budget First choose kind then choose specific one The best media plans are doing with creativity Digital revolution is remapping possibilities

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UGA ADPR 3100 - Media Planning

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 5
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