UGA ADPR 3100 - "Paradigms"
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ADPR3100 1st Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I No lecture Outline of Current Lecture II Paradigms in consumer society III Manufacturing designing and making products IV Marketing distribution and promotion of products Current Lecture Producer led Paradigm common way of approaching advertising and marketing through the 1950s has not gone away but people have thought of other ways to do this Market Management view of how to market and promote products view that there is individual people within companies that make the shots decides what to do o 4 P s product price promotion place It stressed the functionality over style Functionality How well it works not how nice it looks Come up with a perfect design of a product meant didn t have to come up with anything else could save money Wanted to find the perfect design Or standardize to minimize costs to maximize sales Did this to save money Ex Ford Motor company Assembly line to make cars Used the same design for all the models of his cars Producer led advertising Advertising done in same producer led way Just like products were put together ads were put together by the rules There was a search for the perfect rules of advertising Agencies had books of procedure Step by step ways on how to advertising perfectly Rule Books These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Reason why advertising Claude Hopkins o Believed advertising was a science Thought that if you could discover the laws of advertising then you would follow those laws to do affective advertising o Believed in ads that made logical rational appeals o Felt that products solve problems Thought you had to logical explain to people how these products logically solved your problems Unique Selling Proposition Rosser Reeves thought advertising was a no sense gig Only was concerned does the ad work Key Rules he believed should always follow o Repetition key words and phrases needed to be repeated so people would catch on easily o Continuity the very first ad in a campaign should be virtual identical to the last ad in a campaign There should be no different Pages lines sentences all the same o Single simple message wanted to make things absolutely as easy as possible for people to understand Wanted just one simple message o Unique Selling Proposition unique feature and benefit of your product that your competitors product do not have Needed to emphasize what you have and your competitors don t while trying to sell product Ex Colgate printed ads No matter the product all ads would be done the same way David Ogilvy o Initially a pollster with Gallup o Founded and ran his own agency Ogilvy and Mather o Had his own rules and principles of effective advertising o In agency all members would evaluate each other with scorecard Ads would be expected to have layouts that look like a magazine page If not deduce 7 points All ads should use photographs no illustration no drawings If not would deduct 6 points All the words should be in black ink on a white background Would deduct 4 points if the ads did not have this These rules were done for all ads Producer Led Paradigm Felt that private markets were generally not that b right They were pretty predictable and since they were they were usually easily controllable customers Belief that products were best mass produced People not usually smart you had to keep talking to them Advertising was a scientific process once you found those laws you would stick to them and use those guidelines rules for any product and campaign

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UGA ADPR 3100 - "Paradigms"

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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