Machine Learning 10 701 Tom M Mitchell Machine Learning Department Carnegie Mellon University April 7 2011 Today Kernel methods SVM Readings Required Regression Primal and dual forms Kernels for regression Support Vector Machines Thanks to Aarti Singh Eric Xing John Shawe Taylor for several slides Kernels Bishop Ch 6 1 SVMs Bishop Ch 7 through 7 1 2 Optional Bishop Ch 6 2 6 3 Kernel Functions Kernel functions provide a way to manipulate data as though it were projected into a higher dimensional space by operating on it in its original space This leads to efficient algorithms And is a key component of algorithms such as Support Vector Machines kernel PCA kernel CCA kernel regression 1 Linear Regression Wish to learn f X Y where X X1 Xn Y real valued Learn where Linear Regression Wish to learn where Learn where here the lth row of X is the lth training example xTl and 2 Vectors Data Points Inner Products Consider where for any two vectors their dot product aka inner product is equal to product of their lengths times the cosine of angle between them Linear Regression Primal Form Learn where solve by taking derivative wrt w setting to zero so 3 Aha Learn where solution But notice w lies in the space spanned by training examples why Linear Regression Dual Form Primal form Learn Solution Dual form use fact that Learn Solution 4 slide from John Shawe Taylor slide from John Shawe Taylor 5 slide from John Shawe Taylor slide from John Shawe Taylor 6 Kernel functions Original space Projected space higher dimensional Example Quadratic Kernel Suppose we have data originally in 2D but project it into 3D using this converts our original linear regression into quadratic regression But we can use the following kernel function to calculate inner products in the projected 3D space in terms of operations in the 2D space And use it to train and apply our regression function never leaving 2D space 7 Implications of the Kernel Trick slide from John Shawe Taylor Some Common Kernels Polynomials of degree d Polynomials of degree up to d Gaussian Radial kernels polynomials of all orders projected space has infinite dimension Sigmoid 8 Which Functions Can Be Kernels not all functions for some definitions of k x1 x2 there is no corresponding projection x Nice theory on this including how to construct new kernels from existing ones Initially kernels were defined over data points in Euclidean space but more recently over strings over trees over graphs Some of this covered in 10 702 Kernels Key Points Many learning tasks are framed as optimization problems Primal and Dual formulations of optimization problems Dual version framed in terms of dot products between x s Kernel functions k x y allow calculating dot products x y without bothering to project x into x Leads to major efficiencies and ability to use very high dimensional virtual feature spaces 9 Kernel Based Classifiers Simple Kernel Based Classifier slide from John Shawe Taylor 10 Linear classifiers which line is better 11 Pick the one with the largest margin Parameterizing the decision boundary wTx b 0 w Tx b 0 wTx b 0 Labels 12 Parameterizing the decision boundary wTx b 0 w Tx b 0 wTx b 0 Labels Maximizing the margin b a 0 w Tx x b wT w Tx b a Margin Distance of closest examples from the decision line hyperplane margin a w 13 Maximizing the margin b a 0 w Tx x b wT w Tx b a Margin Distance of closest examples from the decision line hyperplane margin a w max a w w b s t wTxj b yj a j Note a is arbitrary can normalize equations by a Support Vector Machine w Tx b a 0 x b wT w Tx b a min wTw w b s t wTxj b yj 1 j Solve efficiently by quadratic programming QP Well studied solution algorithms Linear hyperplane defined by support vectors 14
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