Berkeley ETHSTD 196 - Implications for Restoration by Seed Bank at Fort Funston, California

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Implications for Restoration by Seed Bank at Fort Funston California Kimberly Miller Abstract This paper investigates the potential for restoration by seed bank recruitment in a coastal dune scrub ecosystem I characterized the seed bank at Fort Funston where for 45 years before restoration invasive Carpobrotus edulis commonly known as iceplant was the primary vegetation I sampled six locations with nine replicates taking a total of 54 samples Using a seedling emergence method I examined the sand to measure the density and diversity of the seed bank in sites restored at different dates from 0 to 9 years ago The method of seed bank analysis including greenhouse conditions highly influences the types and numbers of species found making predictions at the species level impossible The trends found in this study are as follows 1 Of 153 species found at Fort Funston 37 germinated where 24 were native and 13 were not 2 Seed density increases exponentially with time since restoration 3 Diversity of non native seeds decreases with time since restoration Richness of species and evenness of some species suggest that trends in site diversity over time may exist Introduction California s varied topography geology and climates have helped give rise to extraordinary native biological diversity and high levels of endemism however these varied conditions also provide suitable habitat for a wide variety of non native plants that alter ecosystem function Randall and Hoshovsky 2000 Native vegetation maintains diversity and self replication and has been declining in biomass in California since settlement in 1769 Randall and Hoshovsky 2000 With European settlement many plants not endemic to California communities but adapted to the Mediterranean climate were introduced and established These invasive plants have vastly altered ecological landscapes outcompeting and excluding native plants and animals Randall and Hoshovsky 2000 Many plant invasions can be slowed or halted and even badly infested areas can be restored to relatively healthy communities dominated by native plants Randall and Hoshovsky 2000 Recognition of the deterioration caused by non native plants has rapidly expanded the technology and practice of restoration especially in the last thirty years Pickart and Sawyer 1998 and invasive species control and restoration of native vegetation are now regarded as essential in many wildlands across the world Randall and Hoshovsky 2000 The reintroduction of native plants to a restoration site has traditionally been referred to as restoration by revegetation and increasingly restorationists are departing from traditional agricultural and landscape architecture revegetative techniques in favor of more ecologically based methods Pickart and Sawyer 1998 Examples include using mycorrhizal inoculations to reduce the need for fertilizer and irrigation and exploiting seed reservoirs of historic vegetation Pickart and Sawyer 1998 As restoration work is often performed with limited budgets and the cost of restoration is sometimes orders of magnitude higher than the cost of land acquisition it is important that restoration projects be efficient Pickart and Sawyer 1998 Regeneration by relict natives can significantly reduce the need for revegetation efforts offsetting the high cost of restoration and increasing its success Pickart and Sawyer 1998 Low materials cost low intensity of labor and low impact to land and rare species present make restoration by seed bank exploitation essential Pickart and Sawyer 1998 Knowledge of the seed bank at restoration sites is essential for managing for seed bank species Strykstra et al 1998 van der Valk and Pederson 1989 Because seed banks relict from historical vegetation or donated from adjacent areas can be used in reestablishing vegetation seed bank information can help predict resultant vegetation composition van der Valk and Pederson 1989 Many coastal ecosystems have been invaded by a South African succulent Carpobrotus edulis Alpert 2000 Commonly known as iceplant invasion can cause a decline in biomass life span and reproductive output of native seedlings and shrubs because of its rapid spread and success in outcompetition Alpert 2000 Pickart and Sawyer 1998 Invasion by iceplant also results in further invasion by non native plants that would not be able to establish in sandy soils by contributing organic matter Alpert 2000 Removal of ice plant is done manually by chemical control and mechanically and afterwards requires revegetation to change species composition back to the relict natives Alpert 2000 Planting may be desirable to decrease erosion influence species composition accelerate colonization and reduce the probability of invasion by other non natives but if adjacent native vegetation is present native plants may colonize a site without revegetation by planting Pickart and Sawyer 1998 In California coastal dune scrub ecosystems restoration projects including recruitment from the seed bank are in place but the seed bank is presently unstudied Setty pers comm 2001 Restoration is underway at Fort Funston National Recreation Area in San Francisco where C edulis is outcompeting native vegetation Because the seed bank in California s dune scrub ecosystem is presently unstudied and it is an important source for restoration after the invasion of Carpobrotus edulis this study aims to analyze the seed bank at Fort Funston and discuss its implications for restoration of dune scrub ecosystems Specifically this study will characterize the seed bank to 1 simplify revegetation efforts by better predicting what species are present below ground and 2 investigate the correlation between time since restoration and measures of the seed bank such as density diversity and the relative occurrences of native and non native individuals found I expect to find an exponential increase in seed density as the length of time since restoration increases due to deposition of seeds by planted species I expect to see density of primarily iceplant and other non native species in sites that have not begun restoration because of dispersal of iceplant seeds and the opportunity that iceplant allows for further invasions I expect to see a trend in species diversity with a peak in the region of intermediate disturbance and more native species and individuals present relative to non natives as time since restoration increases Site Description Fort Funston is located along the coastal region of the

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Berkeley ETHSTD 196 - Implications for Restoration by Seed Bank at Fort Funston, California

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