Berkeley ETHSTD 196 - Evaluation of the Aesthetic Differences Between Organically and Conventionally

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Oliver Slosser Aesthetics of Spinach in Market May 8 2006 Evaluation of the Aesthetic Differences Between Organically and Conventionally Grown Spinach Available in Market By Oliver Slosser Abstract There is a perceived difference for the consumer between organic and conventional food products available in markets which can be attributed to many factors including public attitudes possible quality differences or economics Of these factors for many consumers there is an assumed aesthetic difference between organic and conventional samples of the same product that weigh into their purchasing decision Organic and conventional spinach from several sources was photographed digitally and the pictures were analyzed in order to apply a quality value for each sample The quality values of the different forms of spinach were analyzed to see if there was a significant difference between the aesthetic qualities of different kinds of spinach From the comparison of the photographs of the samples of spinach there was no significant difference found between the damage and discoloration of the two types of spinach Further analysis showed a possible difference between the damage and discoloration between spinach found in the farmers market and those taken from a market chain such as Andronico s but as the sample set had not been designed to analyze this it can not be said to be a significant one This lack of difference in the aesthetic qualities between organic and conventionally grown could be ascribed to a high requirement of aesthetic quality imposed by markets on growers and could be seen at the grower level An interesting area for further research may be to sample straight from growers in the same area and see if there is any aesthetic difference at that level as well as seeing a difference between chain markets and grower s markets Pg 1 Oliver Slosser Aesthetics of Spinach in Market May 8 2006 Introduction The term organic used to categorize food products available to the consumer The USDA defines organic as a labeling term that refers to a product produced in accordance with the USDA code that regulates organic food growth and handling USDA and limits use of man made preservatives or chemicals Organic food comes from crops and animals that are produced in a way that avoids the use of man made fertilizers pesticides growth regulators and livestock feed additives Institute of Food Science and Technology 1999 This indicates that there are harmful elements used in commercial agriculture that are left out of organic foods offered to the consumers The absence of these elements is part of the attraction of organic food to the consumer Consumer preference for organic food is attributed to social responsibility and environmental attitudes and preference could be attributed to many other factors such as income availability and location Grunnert 1995 Antil 1979 Regardless of the reason there is a positive association with the term organic one that is able to support higher prices in many instances for consumption and growth of organic foods The difference between organic and conventional products is defined in terms of production and the elements that go into the growth and handling of the products Institute of Food Science and Technology 1999 It is not quite as clear as to what the difference is in the values of the finished products It is evident that some consumers are willing to pay a higher price for organic products Though a certain amount of that willingness to pay derives from the added cost of production it is reasonable to assume that they have a willingness to pay because of a perceived difference in the quality of the final product There is an added value to organic food in the assumption that it is healthier than commercially grown food Other studies on the value of organic food have shown some difference in the quality of organic food such as the elemental content differences between the two modes types Pg 2 Oliver Slosser Aesthetics of Spinach in Market May 8 2006 Smith Bob L Organic Foods vs Supermarket Foods Element Levels JOURNAL OF APPLIED NUTRITION VOL 451 1993 Figure 1 indicates there is a difference in the elemental content of organic and commercially grown food According to this study there are significantly higher levels of most elements in the organic food than in the commercial Regardless of all the varying factors that affect a consumer s likelihood to purchase organic or conventional products one very key factor that goes into any consumer s purchase of a product is aesthetics The visual quality and appearance of a product is a very important indicator of the value and quality of that product to the consumer Visual appearance can indicate to a consumer several attributes of a sample that influence their decision The age of the sample or time from harvest can be qualified Pg 3 Oliver Slosser Aesthetics of Spinach in Market May 8 2006 from the appearance of the spinach Though it is impossible to tell exact time of harvest from the visual appearance of the spinach certain age factors such as wilting and rotting The appearance of any factor that makes the spinach look old and unappealing will cause the consumer to be less likely to purchase The difference in the growth conditions of organic and conventionally grown food suggests that there would be a difference in the visual appearance of the final product Because the use of man made fertilizers and pesticides is restricted under the guidelines for organic farming the likelihood of pest infestation is increased in the case of organic products The presence of pest damage such as holes along the edges or in the body of the leaf as well as presence of bugs on the spinach is factors that may influence a consumer s decision to purchase These are only a few of the differences between organic and conventionally grown spinach that would suggest that there would be differences in the aesthetic qualities of the final product The last criterion of judging food is aesthetics and appearance Once the consumer arrives at the store his or her attitudes towards organics and education of organics are static Assuming that their income is such that they are able to decide freely between organic and conventionally grown food the final factor effecting choice is the appearance of the options they are considering Because the methods of growth suggest there is a difference in the appearance between organic and conventionally grown food and it is

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Berkeley ETHSTD 196 - Evaluation of the Aesthetic Differences Between Organically and Conventionally

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