Front Back
Large, hollow, muscular compartment which extends from the diaphragm to the pelvis and nearly fills the left side of the abdominal cavity in a large dairy cow Walls of rumen lined with papillae and secrete no enzymes
Reticulum (Honeycomb)
Walls are lined with mucus membrane containing many intersecting ridges which subdivide the surface into a honey-comb like surface
Abomasum (True Stomach)
First glandular portion of the ruminant GIT Essentially the same as the stomach in non-ruminents
Spherical organ filled with muscular laminae which are studded with short papillae (Surface area) Functions: Reduction of particle size Absorption of water
Relative volume of ruminant compartment
Reticulum - 5% Rumen - 80% Omasum - 7-8% Abomasum - 8-9%
Animal and Feed Conversion ratios
Cattle 7:1 Sheep 4-6:1 Swine 31/2 :1 Broilers 2:1 Fish 1.1:1
Rotational crossbreeding
Combines 2 or more breeds, where a different breed of boar is mated to to a replacement crossbred female produced by the previous generation
Terminal crossbreeding
None kept for breeding
Line breeding
Mild form where inbreeding is kept low. Keep high genetic relationship.
-Unrelated animals within the same breed are mated -Gene pairs are primarily heterozygous -Most popular system -Animals to be mated are less related than the average breed
Strain Crossing
Cross two strains of similar egg production - Single comb white leghorn
Species (associated days of gestation)
equine (mare) -- 340 days bovine (cow/heifer) -- 283 days porcine (sow) -- 113 days ovine (sheep)/caprine (goats) -- 147 days
Species (scientific name)
Bovine - cattle Equine - horses Porcine - swine Caprine - goats Ovine - sheep
Animal and feed conversion ratio
A ratio of the amount of feed input it takes to produce a set quantity of animal product output
Physical appearance
Rete testis
Carries sperm from seminiferous tubules to ducts
Maternal breeds
Angus Hereford Brahman Tarentaise Yorkshire Leghorn Rambouillet
Breakdown of foods
Regulates blood sugar levels
Young horse
Foal, filly, colt
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points identifies physical, chemical, and biological hazards in production
One stomach
Increase in volume of an organ tissue due to enlargement of cells
Passage rate for ruminants
96-120 hours (Rumination 6-8 hours a day)
Meat inspection
necessary for quality and safety
Beef quality yield grade factors
Maturity and marbling
Yield grading
Quality denotes eating quality or "palatability" Cut ability refers to leanness or trimness
Breed associated with porcine stress syndrome
Definition: marbling
Intramuscular fat
Specie with the highest dressing percentage
Draft horse breeds
Belgian, Clydesdale Belgian: Belgium Clydesdale: Scotland
Fat soluble vitamins
A, E, D, K
Cattle breed with largest number of annual registrations black, naturally polled, moderate size excellent marbling, early compositional maturity, maternal breed Originated in Scotland
Most widespread composite breed black and naturally polled, moderate size 5/8 Angus and 3/8 Brahman mothering ability, early sexual maturity, heat tolerance, forage ability
How an animals matures
Front to back
Sow (pig) act of parturition So when a pig gives birth*
Which livestock industry is vertically integrated?
Various types of feedstuffs
Roughages(Feed materials low in energy & containing > 18% crude fiber) - Pasture Hay Silage Straw Stover
Quality grades associated with beef
prime choice select standard commercial utility cutter canner
Quality grades associated with lamb
prime choice good utility
Yield grade equation for pork
YG = (4 x LRB thickness) - (1 x MS) LRB ~ 1.4'' Muscle thickness ~ 1 2 3 (1=thin, 3=thick)
Yield grade equation for beef
Adj. fat thickness between 12th & 13th rib , % KPH, ribeye area, carcass weight
Yield grade equation for lamb
YG = 0.4 + (10 x Adj. fat thickness) Adj. fat thickness ~ .3''
What structure allows for milk to bypass the rumen?
Esophageal groove
Define hormone
Chemical substance that is secreted into the body fluids by one cell or group of cells and has an effect on other cells
Define AI
Involves placing semen into the reproductive tract of the female by artificial techniques rather than natural mating.
Wholesale cuts of beef
Loin, rib, chuck
Wholesale cuts of pork
Loin, boston butt, shoulder
Wholesale cuts lamb
Loin, rack, shoulder
Passage for urine Receptor for penis during copulation Passageway for fetus
Female organ of copulation at mating Birth canal at parturition
Passageway for sperm and fetus
Site of fertilization
Broad Ligament
Suspensory support for repro tract
Catches ovum after ovulation
Produces female sex hormones and female gametes
Blister like structure on ovary that contains ovum
Anterior pituitary
Secretes Follicle stimulating hormone Induces estrogen production
Corpus Luteum
Yellow body forms after ovulation and produces progesterone
Define embryo transfer
The movement of pre-implantation embryos from the reproductive tract of the genetic mother (donor) to the reproductive tract of the surrogate mother (recipient)
Study of essential nature of disease
First milk given by mother to newborn. contains high antibody levels (passive immunity)
The energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1 °C
Animals of common origin having characteristics that distinguish them in groups within the same species
Compensatory growth
Increased growth rate in response to previous undernourishment
Hormone related to milk let down
Follicle stimulating hormone
acts upon ovary and is secreted by anterior pituitary, also induces follicle development, estrogen production, and stimulates spermatogenesis
Shortens the current estrous cycle starting every animal at the same time
Regulates uterine function, often called "the hormone of pregnancy"

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