ANSC 107: EXAM 1
102 Cards in this Set
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Ad Libitum
allowing animals to eat all they want at all times
Compensatory Growth
increased growth rate in response to previous undernourishment
A feed that is high in energy, low in fiber content, and highly digestible.
Horses act of parturition
Goats act of parturition
Swine act of parturition
Sheep act of parturiton
Dogs act of parturition
Cat act of Parturition
Poultry act of mating
animals of common origin having characteristics that distinguish them other groups the same species
Breed Environmental Contraints
climate, forage supply, specific production goals
Sire breeds
fast growing, muscular, late maturing, low milking (slaughter)
Maternal breeds
early maturing sexually, inherently fertile, moderate to heavy milking, small to moderate size. (Reproduce)
Sire Breeds
Heterosis (hybrid vigor)
ability of offspring to out perform the average of the parents breed
Angus Cattle (Scotland)
-excellent marbling
-Largest number of annual registrations in the U.S.
- market at a premium higher than any other CAB
Hereford Cattle (England)
-Red with white face, also white on underline, switch, etc.
-2nd largest annual registrations
-don't have the natural ability to marble
-very little pigmentation
-high propensity for cancer eye
Brahman Cattle (India)
-bred to live in very hot climates, gray hump, floppy ears
Brangus Cattle (US)
-black and naturally polled
-most "widespread" composite in the U.S.
-high tempered levels
Beefmaster Cattle (US)
-developed by Tom Lasater in the 1930s in Falurias, TX
-About 50% Brahman, 25% Shorthorn, and 25% Herefor, composite breed
6 essentails of BeefMaster
-milking ability
Chianina Cattle (Italy)
-off-white hair coat with black skin pigmentation
-has had a tremendous impact on the "show steer" industry
-One of the oldest breeds in the world
Texas Longhorn Cattle (Texas, were of Spain origin)
-Long distinctive horns
-Hobby breed- hides, horns, pets
-very hardy
-very skinny
Brown Swiss Dairy Cattle (Switzerland)
-large docile breed from the Swiss Alps known for its strength and vigor
-muzzle is very light and often a light colored dorsal
--average lactation (305 days) of 16,135 pounds of milk
Holestein- Friesian Dairy Cattle (Netherlands)
-black and white color
- fluid milk production
Jersey Cattle (Isle of Jersey)
-vary from light tan to dark fawn with darker shadings around the head and lower legs
- highest percentage of butterfat
Swine Breeds
-Seedstock Producers
-Commercial Producers
-Corporate Production Units
Landrace Pig (Denmark)
-white in color with huge drooping ears
- the most prolific swine breed that is longer than other breeds because of an extra vertabrae
Duroc Pig (US)
-average carcass merit, tend to be fatter than Hampshire sired pigs.
Hampshire Pig (US)
-black with a white belt around shoulders, erect ears
Pietrain Pig (Belgium)
-normally stressed positive
Merino Sheep (spain)
-most dominant breed in the world wide sheep industry
Hampshire Sheep (England)
-Hampshire are dark brown to black and the sheep should have a wool cap on the head
Southdown Sheep (England)
-One of the oldest sheep breeds
Suffolk Sheep (England)
-black head and legs
Goat Breeds
-less than 1 pound of lamb is eaten by the average US citizen in 1 year
South African Boer Goat (south africa)
-a hardy, fast growing meat-type goat
Spanish Goat (Spain)
-refer to goats of mixed breed origin
-before boer goat
-they breed with anything
Nubian Goat (Africa)
-most popular breed of registered dairy goat in the US
Horse Breeds
-horses are measured in hands
-1 hand = 4 inches
Arabian Horse (Arabia)
-the head and neck of the ideal Arabian are distinctive, with relatively small, dished, triangular shaped head and a long, highly arched neck that is set in the shoulder.
American Paint Horse (US)
-Two basis color patterns: Tobiano(white over dark color; white crosses back)
Overo- dark over white; no white crosses back.
Thoroughbred (england)
-famous stallions include Secretarist, Northern Dancer and Bold Ruler
American Quarter Horse (US)
-work cattle
-rodeo horse
Belgian Horse (Belgium)
-predominant color is light sorrel with flaxen mane and tail
Clydesdale Horse (Scotland)
-the "Budweiser Hitch" is made up of Clydesdale
Leghorn Poultry
-from the Mediterranean
White Cornish Poultry
- England
Broad Breasted White Turkey
-Thanksgivng turkey
-300-700# sold at 6-10 months old
-retain replacement females
-90% use bulls instead of A.I.
-Efficiency is based on pounds of product produced per cow
Cow-Calf selection goals
-Weaning weight
-Cow efficiency
-Quality products produce
-high energy(concentrate) diet
Slaughter facilities purchase cattle by:
Beef industry is NOT vertically Inegrated
Vertically Integrated: one company owns everything of that animal
-most highly specialized industry
-7th in Dairy production
-6th in dairy cow numbers
Cow Health Issues
-Milk Fever
-inflamation of the udder caused by bacterial infection
- Energy shortage due to metabolic problems (not enough energy)
-normally seen 4-6 weeks after parturition
Milk Fever
-low blood calcium causing muscle weakness at/or near calving
-the act of giving birth to young; childbirth
Total Digestible Nutrients
a feed that is high in fiber, low in digestible nutrients, and low in energy..
Hay, straw, silage, and pasture
animals which need no further feeding prior to slaughter
the contents of the digestive tract
Carcass Merit
the value of a carcass for consumption
Dark Cutter
color of the lean in the carcass.
Has a dark appearance usually caused by stress to the animal prior to slaughter.
Contemporary Group
a set of animals of the same sex and breed that have been raised under similar enviromental and management conditions.
the capacity to initiate, sustain, and support reproduction.
Half the normal number of chromosomes.
Found in sperm and ova
to eliminate from the breeding population
sex drive of the male
Artificial Insemination
Embryo Transfer
Estrus or Heat
the period of mating activity in the female
Estrus Synchronization
controlling the estrous cycle so that a high percentage of the females in the herd express estrus at the same time.
an individual grown from a single somatic cell of its paren
an adjective meaning "heat" that modifies such words as "cycle". Estrous cycle is the hear cycle or time from one heat period to the next
difficult birth
Lactation Period
period that female produces milk
Taking a young animal from its dam (mother)
the first milk given by the female following delivery of her young
non-lactating female (mare,cow,ewe,sow)
Anestrous Period
the time when a female is not in estrus. The non-breeding season
non-pregnant females
small hornlike tissue attached to the skin of polled or dehorned animals
the removal of the ovaries from the female reproductive tract (most often done in cats and dogs)
Dairy Herd Improvment Association
removing the testicles
"There is more variation within breed than there is between breeds"
is a quote we often hear. While this is generally true, some breeds have distinct advantages in specific traits that set them apart from the others.
Feedlot Factors Influencing
-dressing %
Specialized cow-calf system-cows develop to breeding age
leading state in dairy production
most highly specialized industry
What Improved?
-Roughage based diet
-lightweight, thin cattle
-selection factors: price, growth potential, health