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Category for understanding
How things are similar; incorporate new experiences into the existing set of schemas; notice similarities
How things are different > modify understanding; modify or add schemas to make sense of new info
Piaget's Stages of Development
Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
Thought dominated by sensations and motor responses; age 1-2; begin to learn language
Object Permanence
Out of sight, out of mind; occurs in sensorimotor stage; ex/peekaboo
Child learns object permanence, language; begins to use mental representations (pretend play); does not understand mental operations/logic; age 2-6;
The inability to take another's point of view
Concrete Operational
Child can think logically about real objects, understands reversibility, adopt POV, consider multiple dimensions at the same time, reorder objects; cannot apply logic to hypothetical situations; age 7-11
Formal Operational
Child can apply logic to hypothetical situations, make abstract logical predictions, capable of mature moral reasoning; age 12-adult
Jean Piaget
Greatly influenced research about cognitive development
3 month old babies moved foot with ribbon attached to a mobile = cause and effect
Inborn, biological factors
Experimental, environmental factors
Genes play a large role in:
Personality, cognitive abilities, psychological disorders,
An emotional tie with another, an emotional bond between child and caregiver
Critical period for attachment
1 year
Sensitive, responsive caretakers
Securely attached children
Insensitive unresponsive caretakers
Insecurely attached children
Cold, rejecting parents
Avoidant attachment, no real bond
Ambivalent and inconsistent parents
Anxious-ambivalent attachment
Securely attached children feel...
World is reliable; basic comfort and trust in world; curiosity/explorative behavior; cooperation, obedience
Deprivation of attachment means...
Neglected, abandoned, abused babies; withdrawn, scared; impaired cognitive development
Laurence Kohlberg
Extended Piaget's work to include teenagers and adults; interested in reasoning
Piaget's Findings
Preeschoolers do not consider intentions, they consider the amount of damage; older children consider intentions
Kohlberg's 3 Levels of Moral Reasoning
Preconventional (pre-societal), conventional (societal), postconventional (past society)
Focus on self interest; avoid punishment, get reward
Focus on pleasing others; avoid disapproval; do your duty
Focus on universal moral principles; focus on rights, freedoms, respect, justice

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