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Treaty of Paris of 1783
Great Britain recognized the independence of the United States and grant them land Will end the Revolutionary War
The Albany Congress/Albany Plan
Formed in response to the French and Indian War; called for a Plan of Union which involved a President-General of the united colonies and a Grand Council that would oversee defense, Indian relations, settlement in the West (regulate expansion) , and levying taxes, unified currency (same i…
Laboratories of Republicanism 
Background (all states are different with different people and governing ideas) Old Charter- House of Burgesses Virginia Power of Written Words-unify the colonies even though they are different Will reinsitute old charters but does not unify does the opposite
Old Charter 
House of Burgeses Virginia 
Power of the Written Words 
Unify the colonies even though they are different, reinstitue old charters but does not unify does the opposite instead
Stat Constitution (Laboraties of Republicanism)
Old Charters and representation (Natural Laws- life, liberty, property) Government job is to protect these laws. Property will turn into pursuit of happiness  
Model of Massachusetts (Laboraties of Republicanism)
Model for other states and unification "we the people"-for the people Can vote- male property holders represented by republicanism-two houses with indirect republication
Bicameral (Model of Massachusetts)
Two Houses (Senate and House) Senate- equal representation House- depending how much people living in the state
Governor (Model of Massachusetts)
Weak position, in charge of signing laws, Veto, not much power 
National Level 
Ability to make treaty wars 
Congress and Articles of Confederation (National Level) 
Bring States Together 1. Purpose equality to all the states 2. Unified congress will claim land for states so they won't fight 3. Taxes will be drawn from states based on population More pop- more money (including slaves) Virginia made because of Taxation (good for big states)
Limitations (National Level)
1. Unicameral- one house (state legislatures) weak central government, no head of government 2. no court system 3. one state=one vote 4. Does not have the ability to regulate trade 5. Taxation-- wanted power tax states; Rhode island blocks (money going back to England b/c they need to…
National Level Good Things
Can establish treaty land state establish postal system
Northwest Ordinance National Level
First real national government, open territory expansion  
Northwest Ordinance National level
Like Bacon's Rebellion; canotic congress has to deal with it.
Northwest Ordinance Political Structures
Congress will put Bill of Rights; freedom of religion and freedom of speech No slavery will be allowed major issue b/c its primarily farmland Pop 60,000 can petition for statehood if admitted equal state terms Pop 50,000 own legislature government
Northwest Ordinance Land Division
Will break down land ans sell it to support the military 36 sections rational and sell each individually
North West Ordinance 
Is good for the US, stops dispute between colonies, gives a source of revenue 
Foreign Relation National Level
Going through economic relations between Britain and Spain. Problems with Massachusetts and South Americans (no power) so these are important. 
Foreign Relation Britain
They are still in forts (property of Northwest ordinance now) Americans must deal with treaties and militia (governors run the militia) Does not work b/c no states wants to send their militia
John Jay
Will make a 25 year deal with Spanish that Americans will trade their good through Spain.
Foreign Relations Spain
All Louisiana territory will become Spanish. The area is very useful b/c of the Mississippi river and farmland. John Jay important for treaty with Spain.  
James Madison 
Wants to have the convention to refine the article of confederation in Nappoles Maryland  
Shays' rebellion
series of attacks on courthouses (burnig records showing they have debts) by a small band of farmers (25% of people) led by captain Daniel Shays
Shay's Rebellion-Massachusetts 1786
Daniels shays  Farmers had bought land at inflated prices Could not pay mortgage
Shay's Rebellion 
Massachusetts militia stopped the revolt, however the militia were family of the rebellion and did not want to kill their family members by revolting. This was a problem with leadership Significance= Americans recognize need and national militia, national taxes and lead by national gover…
Constitutional Reform 
Madison relocates a convention, it is a secret; will meet in Philadelphia (Rushed and Hushed thing) There was no media, no reporters, door were locked, really undercover, not pleasant.  
Philadelphia Convention
Will try to reform articles but then decides to throw them out instead
Virginia Plan 
Was presented in the Philadelphia convention; Madison will do a radical departure 
Virginia Plan 
Votes passed on Population 
Virginia Plan 
Bicameral lower house selected by white land holders, The upper house will be selected by the lower house (power base for a specific group of people)
Virginia Plan 
strong executive to reserve the articles of confederation (upper house will elect president) for madison this democracy 
Virginia Plan 
Nation judiciary (court system) unified set of rules for conesion of states especially for money and property 
New Jersey Plan 
Conservative response
William Patterson
Proponent of the New Jersey plan
William Patterson
Different Idea wants states to have equal representation (smaller population) 
New Jersey Plan 
Unicameral-one group
New Jersey Plan 
A congress that can regulate trade and create a national taxation
Connecticut Congress Compromise 
A compromise b/w new jersey and Virginia plan. 
Connecticut Congress Compromise
strong central government. Rhode Island stand up for unanimity and compromise
Roger Shirley
Will get states together to compromise with both plans 
Bicameral, lower house elected by population
Connecticut Congress Compromise
Is like a compromise but benefits big states.
Connecticut Congress Compromise
slavery 3/5- 3 votes for every 5 slaves benefits big slaves with slavery
Main increase 1783 in slavery North Carolina. There is still slavery but less than before slowly down. 
Fugitive Slave
Slaves who ran away to another state should be returned to their owner. Persons that helped out those slaves were fined or jailed. Slaves that ran away weren't allowed to trial by jury, nor testify. 1793
This creates new dimensions b/w state south 1788 responding to Northwest Ordinance (will expand State) 
No Slavery 
Profits are low
Elle Whitney 
Creates cotton gin-speeds up production of cotton. More profitable applities growth of slavery
His cotton gin invention of 1793 helped the southern economy and increased the demand for slaves
Commerce will put finish details 
Connecticut Congress Compromise Ratification
Strong executive-president that has power to veto legislation Elected through electoral college (election elected by state governor basically the land holders) Process that is nor direct starting to run political parties runner up is the president If a tie house of rep gets to choose…
Washington's First Term (1789-1792)
Is elected b/c looks the part and was part of revolutionary not a good leader 
Elections of 1789
Candidate is chosen based on population; big states like Virginia and New York are at an advantage
sec.of war knox
Leading democratic - republican, opposed hamiltons ideas. Washington tended to side with hamliton, so jefferson resigned
Jefferson (state)
Executive Department, domestic issues, author of declaration 
Treasury, monetary  
Judiciary Act (1789)
Will set the supreme court-will settle dispute b/w states will create a position by interpreting the law -set up 13 circuit courts (hear out cases) unified court system keep us with tradition and persevere of the government
Tariff of 1789
Primarily for revenue; some protection for "infant industries;" (Washington administration) Establish of national tariff 5%-lowered the tariff in mallaceous 
The son that Washington never had 
Hamilton Loose Construction
Author of the federalist, knows how he wants to write the constitution (must be strong) views constitution as set of limitations but can be worked around  
Hamilton Intellectual/Urban
Lived in NY city and well educated 
Hamilton Commerce
Merchants should be running country 
Pro British view the British as a model for the u.s.  
Property- will preserve property by putting in charge highly educated people. 
Wants highly educated people should run the government strong centralized government 
Should be a strong federal government, ran by the states, federal republicans like ancient Rome. 
Strict constitution-if it is not in the constitution, the government can not do it. Set of strict limitations 
Yeoman farmer -tied to land/hard worker and small enterpienuar should run the government
Pro-function-against centralized government linked to Enlightment-french took us ideas and used them in france were sucessful 
Liberty-Believe in civil liberty
Hamilton and Jefferson 
Both Men are federalist that will break into two parties 
First U.S census 
(Jefferson) Allows to have an accurate count of the population; 5 people counted with will help determine how many votes per state 
Hamilton's Report to Congress 
Reports about the economy an suggestions on how to improve
Report on Public Credit (1790)
National debt after the revolution debts on local and state - oyu local debts-bought by speculators in low money -state debt-bought by other states
Elections of 1792 Washington' 2nd term `
Genet will offer marks to U,S people in other countries will help aid the french (bad b/c if British find out, war will arise U.S not in position to right  
Funding the debtors
will pay state debts and will return full money to local debts (funding and assumption) 
Hamilton's Report on Banking (1791)
Wants to create a centralized bank for funds Public/Private, officail bank of the U.S hold deposits, dispute money who bought debt, hold tax on revenue. Bank should be funded through exile ta on whiskey
"Necessary and Proper Claws"
Hamilton, loose construction, government has the right to construct bank (implied powers)
Report on Manufacture 
Inflate prices of outside goods will make impossible to buy (does not work) reinterpreting the idea of debt to set up the U.S
Elections of 1792 Washington' 2nd term `
Background-Madison sides with Jefferson b/c Washington usually sides with Hamilton War against Monarchy -1793 Louis is decapitated
Elections of 1796 
Hamilton will be involved but not run he doesn't want Adams to win b/c he is too independent vote break down Jefferson will be elected VP (democratic)- create serious issues
Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798
Early attempts at restrictions within the Republic 1798 – Alien and Sedition Acts Signed by President John Adams Illegal to publish “false, scandalous, or malicious writings against the government of the United States
Jay Treaty 1794
Treaty negotiated with Britain that attempted to settle the conflicts at sea as well as the English confrontation with Native American allies.  
Jay Treaty
1 Conpiciption of the ships seizes by British 2 want British to leave U.S grounds 3 Want Neutrality
Jay Treaty
Washington will senate approve and maddison wants to see the documents b/w jay and British known as executive privilege  
Executive Privilege 
Consesion from Spanish 
Pickney's Treaty
1)      The U.S. was given the right to freely navigate the Mississippi 2)      U.S.  gained right of deposit in New Orleans 3)      Boundary between Spanish Florida and the U.S set on the 31st parallel 4)      Spain agreed to control the Indians in Spanish Florida
Whiskey Rebellion
Occurred in Southwest Pennsylvania, farmers rallied to oppose the taxes placed on their whiskey. They were confronted with Washington's militia and quicky backed down
Response to Whiskey Rebellion 
Washington puts together a military force-federal force with federal funds; hands it to Hamilton b/c he is too tired 
Whiskey Rebellion Hamilton
Will accuse two people who he thinks are the leaders; trails them and he believes they should be executed 
Whiskey Rebellion Washington
Will patron them though and go against Hamilton (trying to keep the peace) Important= Division among government (why the constitution was designed) Hamilton is getting too much power
Alien Enemies Law
Limited to two years: President could detain or deport citizens of nations w/ which the US was at war and who behaved in a suspicious manner - since Adams refused to go to war this legislation never went into effect - 1st of Alien and Sedition Acts 
George washington farewell adress
against... political parties against sectionalism sent out papers no speech
Washington Farewell Address
After washington is done gave a speech of what not to do 
Follows Hamilton more than Jefferson Puts a percedent for future presidents(only serve two terms) was pretty much a federalist
The Federalist Reign
Admas Presidency 
Adams Presidency
Washington's VP Ran against Jefferson (political enemies) Gained power through foreign problems French angry over John Jay's treaty so they started stopping American ships -Seized ships total is over $20,000 Alien Act & Sedition Act Republicans fought back b/c it was Adams way of pu…
Republicanism Response VA and KY Resolution
Madison (VA) and Jefferson (KY) and mostly argue for the ability to nullify (cancel out) federal law in states 
Foreign Affairs X,Y Z affairs
Info about the negotiation begins to spill out to the media and Jefferson makes widely known -french individuals who called themselves X,Y, Z would only talk to U.S if they bribe them a. democratic sees this as a joke b. Republic party sees this as the democrats working with the french…
Response to X,Y,Z Affairs 
Adams starts dumping money into the militia and military build up a. Washington going to lead with Hamilton b. Hamilton going to take over the military force
Alien Law
president could expel ANY foreigner simply by executive degree (immigrants)
Naturalization Law
expanded waiting period to become a U.S. citizen from 5 to 14 years prevent Irish immigrants for voting for Democratic-Republicans
Sedition Act
Provided fines or jailing of persons who criticized the United States government. Direct response to Jefferson and his press, makes it illegal to make critical remakes about government policy (challenging the first amendment)
KY and VA Resolution
They were declarations passed in 1798 and 1799. This claimed each state has the right to decide whether a federal law is constitutional or if it is unconstitutional.
Republicanism Response
Justify nullification through compact theory state has power wants to go back to it states put the government power A impression on people coming after them
Lame Ducks
Outgoing officials that had little influence and accomplished little- they were ineffective.
Lame Ducks, is going after Hamilton b/c he is not going to be elected again, gives Hamilton military power but with no funding Federalist Congress
Jefferson "Revolution"
Political change of parties 
Election of 1800 Jefferson VS Adams
Hamilton will back up b/c he wants to control over the executive 
Elections of 1800
Republicans are going to win Erin Burr and Jefferson tie (Burr wants to be vice presidential the beginning) but than wants to be president as well
Elections of 1800
House will get involved and see who will win, Hamilton will get involve and believes Jefferson will be better president Hamilton will make enimeies with Burr and set things up to have power
Inaugural Address
revolution of 1800-first time power has changed hands by party in U.S history (peacefully transfer power in government) 
Judiciary Act of 1801 (1801)
Adams and the federalist wanted to keep control over gov. even though the republicans won office Will pass this act that will reduce the supreme court system (more power and have to fill the seats) Judges are never voted out (Will be judges until they die)
appointed by adams to become justice of peace needs his letter but madison wont give it to him b/c jefferson told him that he cant pass anymore out
Marbury vs Madison 
-Marbury was appointed to a judicial position  -by president Adams -but Secretary of State Madison  -of Jeffersons presidency -refused to appoint him  -calling the appointment unfair.  -The Supreme Court ruled that Marbury should be appointed  -but the court couldn't enforce the appo…
Was wrong when he brought case to supreme court b/c it is not original judistic; case has to be at a lower level and may appeal to go to supreme court 
Article 3
Will explain the judiciary act as unconstitutional 
Will make a precedent to determine what is constitutional or not 
Jefferson Aims 
Want to reduce the size of military 
Jefferson Aims
Repeal all the federalist legislation (alien sedation acts)-barrier to freedom of expression 
Jefferson Aims
Get rid of exiles tax on whiskey (appeal to farmers) 
Jefferson Aims 
Stay out of foreign affairs 
Jefferson Aims
Believes a standing army is a sign of tyranny 
Jefferson Aims 
Reduce the size of national debt (Hamilton believes is good b/c is investment to U.S when people buy ) shrink the power
Jefferson Aims
Does the opposite in all his aims 
Breakout in Haiti 
Owned by the French, Spanish night, Main killer of disease of soldiers 
"Spanish Night"
Hanging of french officers, slaves will rebel in Haiti. Some french escape and will go to U.S for refugee 
Wants Louisiana to feed his military has to invade Haiti and put down revolution but then decides to sell Louisiana to U.S to fund European War 
Will try to make a constitutional amendment to justify his buying of New Orleans; people don't care b/c he doubled the U.S (strong centralized power) 
Jefferson's 1st Term Foreign Affairs Barbary corsair
Ottoman empire pirates -Thefts of the crown and set up miniature republics. Taking individual captives to get money
"Redemption and Mortality"
Pay pirates off large sums of money to avoid fighting with england ans spain. (Redeem people they captured for money) Thefts will go to Ireland and Iceland Thefts will convert to Islam so it could be " right" to captivate people Some Europeans trying to fight thefts but are not success…
Foreign Affairs Barbary Corsair Economics
U.S is spending 20% of federal budget to pay pirates (2 million) 
elections of 1804
TJ re-elected. However Foreign issues were at hand. Trying to remain neutral when both British and France were seizing american ships. due to the war between the two. 
Election of 1804
Government recognize the problem of electoral college and will pass the 12th amendment (last amendment before the civil war) first time the president and vice president was put in the ballot 
Aaron Burr
Aaron Burr, Jr. was the third Vice President of the United States; he served during President Thomas Jefferson's first term. After serving as a Continental Army officer in the Revolutionary War, Burr became a successful lawyer and politician.
Aaron Burr
Ended up being vice president in 1804 and will run for New York governor. He was power hungry campaign against Thomas Jefferson he believes is Hamilton's fault 

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