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if 4Nes>10
selection is predominant
what is the level of genetic organization that allows the prediction of the genetic response to selection?
unit of selection
are a repetitive mobile sequences; units of selection that have multiple targets; often affect fitness; can infect via horizontal transmission
pedigree inbreeding has the largest effect on the frequency of homozygotes for
rare recessive alleles
what is hard selection
the number of offspring from a population depends on the genetic composition of the population
which characterizes a phenotypic cline
gradual shifts of phenotypic frequencies over geographical space
the theory where an allele is more likely to act neutral in a population with a small effective size is
near neutral theory
which of the following is sufficient to determine the course of adaptation
NONE not nat sel, allele freq, genom arch, pop structure
which is necessary for adaptation
natural selection
nat sel interacts wit migration to
selectively block or retard some alleles and enhance others
inbreeding size of herd with 1 male, 8 females
in a construction of gene trees synapomorphies are used to join taxa that
share derived characters
Drosophila meratorum study: abnormal abdomen were consequence of
supergene, transposon, phenotype retention, behavior to wind
selection alters the balance between
mutations and drift
which is a misconception about neutral theory
1. only genes that are unimportant undergo neutral mutations
2 neutral mutations are neutral for all time
which of the following relates to dissasortative mating
produces mroe than the expected proportion of heterozygotes
what is the relatedness r for half sibs
what evolutionary force both creates and maintains linkage disequalibrium
assortative mating
the increase in reproductive fitness caused by naturalselection is called
which isnt fishers fund theorum
) The only fitness effects that influence the response to natural selection are those transmissible through a gamete B) The adaptive outcome represents an interaction of fitness variation with population structure C) Natural selection acts to increase the average fitness of a population o…
D= g(AB)-p(A)*p(B) suggests
D is the deviation of the observed two locus gamete frequencies expected based on the product of the individual locus allele frequencies
what must we know to predict evolution through natural selection
average excess of fitness
__ interacts with __ as a selective filter that blocks the flow of some genes from one population to another but accentuates the speed of others
natural selection; gene flow
what do we call polymorphism at single nucleotide
a quick way to score the presence/absence of specific mtDNA nucleotide at known locus
two related genetic forces that increase pedigree inbreeding in a finite population
founder effect&bottleneck effect
population structure is mechanism of uniting gametes. which includes pop structure?
system of mating, population size, genetic exchange, age structure
population structure in which species is subdivided into many local demes that are subject to local extinction and recolonization
why did templeton score COII nucleotide in N terminal silent and N terminal replacement Cterm silent and C term replacement
to test if selection changed the expected outcome of neutral evolution
FST can be used to
construct model based trees
the extent to which an individual is concerned with its own survival as much as the survival of its relatives that share the same alleles is measured as
inclusive fitness
natural selection doesnt optimize any single trait except
assortative mating
increases homozyg, creates linkage diseq, at eq when PA=PB makes AAbb or aaBB, maintains linkage diseq
selection for altruism would be positive if one sacrificed life for
8 brothers or 8 cousins
examples of freq dependent selections are
fertility, competition, kin selection, sexual selection
which statement about inbreeding is false
inbreeding changes allele frequency
the main idea of neutral theory
if a new allele is equally fit compared to existing allele then it is selectively neutral and may be fixed in the population because of genetic drift
inclusive fitness is the best described as
the fitness that came about from helping all the copies of genes including those from individuals related to you
how many nieces and nephews would uncle have to be able to help, given his fitness would be reduced by half, in order for altruism to be favored
which of the following does the inbreeding coefficient f NOT measure
change in allele frequency
what does neutral theory show?
Drift is an important force in large and small populations b. New neutral mutations will be lost quickly regardless of population size c. New mutations are neutral if the chance it will replicate and be passed down to the next generation is equal to the chance for the ancestral allele typ…
what does selection do to gametes only found in genotypes with lower than average fitness
it decreases allele freq until it's eliminated
assortative mating creates and maintains
linkage diseq
a process of adaptation resulting in evolution of seemingly maladaptive traits is called
antagonistic pleiotropy
horizontal gene transmission is between all except
parent and offspring
(vertebrate spp. individuals, p elements, bacterial spp
vertical transmission is between
parent and offspring
assortative mating by itself causes evolutionary change by creating
linkage diseq
biased gene conversion
only occurs in heterozygotes
male butterfly's 2 sperms
intersexual selection
variance in freq of haplotypes among pops separated by time/space can be used to estimate
wahlund effect Fst
fishers fundamental theorem
selection acts to increase
contribute to linkage diseq except
Random Mating
(mutation, gene flow, finite pop size, nat selection)
interactions between two or more genes influencing unit of selection
according to temp, adaptation is
attributes that aid in living mating in specific environments
when nat sel takes pop to local peak not to global max,
A) genetic drift moves between peaks B) Selection moves up the next peak C) Population at highest peak grows and sends out migrants D) average fitness of that generation will increase E) All of the above are part of Wright’s shifting balance theory
natural selection interacts with migration as selective filter that
blocks some alleles but enhances others
on a gene tree of all mammals ability of humans to communicate through language is viewed as
autapomorphic trait
which of the following changes allele freq?
dissasortative mating
which of the following is not true
Fis ranges 0-1
which of the following about natsele is true
it increases average fitness
Fst can be used for all the following except
estimate gene flow in admixed pops
(estimate #individuals exchanged, construct model based trees, show isolation)
which of the following is true about natsele
natsel pushes pops to adaptive peak, natsel is necessary for adaptation
unit of selection
depends of epistasis and strength of selection
a balance between drift&migration
genetic distance measure
antagonistic pleiotropy
reflects both beneficial and maladaptive effects
haplotype tree shows
where genetic variation arose;how variation is interrelated
mitochondrial eve is a consequence of
which of these statements about natsel is true
functions on per generation basis. optimizes local peaks. doesnt optimize one trait. cannot act unless genetically based
genes are identical by descent if
identical copies of a single gene are due to ancestry
considering the effect of coalescence if you are interested in events in genes history
large sample is critical
coalescent events occurs when 2 lineages of DNA molecules merge back into single DNA molecule
inverse of a DNA replic even
a positive average excess results in
increase in allele freq
can retard or accelerate geneflow. can not act without phenotypic variation
an exception to mendels law of random seg
meiotic drive
character or trait shared by 2+ taxonomic groups and is derived thru evolution
selective eq occurs when average excess is
natsel ____ average fitness on per generation basis
spekes gazelle shows pop size
all of the above
is an increase in reproductive fitness; always relative to environment
UPGMA not effective
Micro evolutionary events accruing in a certain species are influenced by: A) The size of the population and any founder events. B) any existing linkage disequilibria. C) The environmental and genetic factors (including mutation and recombination) that influence DNA replication …
high Fit approaching 1 indicates
pop is isolated and has inbreeding
in an area high in malaria
all of the above
selection is
how diff genotyps respond to environment
which isnt HW
no more than one other factor can be acting
if migration proceeds unopposed
homogenization frequencies among pops
sicklecell persists because
resistant to malaria
artificial sel differs from natsel
humans selct desired traits
which measures inbreeding and describes avg accumulation of identity by descent in pop
tendency of pops geographically closer to be more similar
isolation by distance
what type of structure is where species are subdivided into many local demes subject to local extinc/recolon
target and unit of select is below that of an individual when
meiotic drive
when 2 biologicl relatives mate, identity by descent for offspring
pedigree inbreeding
high __ value indicateslittle gen variation in local pop
equation of natsel for measured gentyp tells us
change in allele freq is proportional to avg excess
single unit of selct can have more than one target. frequency of
A) transposons, B) deleterious copy number repeats, C) sickle cell anaemia, D) G6PD deficiency (favism), E) all of these.
female birds prefer dark males. example of
may effect alleles associated segregating at HLA
which of the following is true of Fst
It can be used to estimate migration B) It is used in gene trees as a distance measure C) It will increase with increased isolation
an allele being selected for is on the same chromsome as rare mutation. which will prevent hte rare mutation from being lost?
the allele and mutation are both within inversion
how does sel interact with gene flow
it can restric/accentuate flow
an adaptive train is defined as
any trait that contributes to fitness of organism
where there is no malaria, what is average excess of C allele
0 its neutral
combining the effects of system of mating, gene drift, gene flow
A) between individuals of a deme, B) between demes, C) within individuals, D) across the entire species E) All of the Above
haplotype trees can be made using
maximum likelihood B) maximum parsimony C) neighbor joining D) Mr. Bayes
effects of genetic drift are countered by
selection on multilocus genotyps in random mating pops leads to link diseq when a factor
confers greater fitness than allele combos
what increases avg fitness level on per generation basis
nat selection
survival, fertility, fecundity are components of
migration in pop gen
It introduces variation lost by drift in a population, B) It reduces differences in gene frequencies between populations, C) Gene flow between populations depends on dispersal, D) Gene flow between populations depends on the system of mating E) All of the above are true.
pedigree inbreeding F quantifies
probability applicable at individual level
when dealing with natural selection
most fit allele is selected; fitness is maintained at local maximum
natsel only operates when
there is genetic variation associated with phentyp
less migration produces
greater Fst
only alleles pulled to 100%
correlated with "a" by linkage diseq
in growing pop probability of losing alleles is more likely than in a declining pop
aleution pops had overall excess of homozygs
aleution pops had overall excess of homozygs
wahlund effect
genetic variation is produced/maintained by
dissassortative mating
___ decreases genetic variability between local pops while ___ has opposite effect
gene flow, genetic drift
if D>0 you find D' by dividing by
Dmax, the lesser of PAPb or PaPB
which of the following is false for xlinked pedigrees
when the pivot point is male you mush know if he is inbred
selection is necessary for adaptation but not always sufficient because
the outcome is influenced by initial conditions
evolution in popgen is best defined as
change in genetic make up of the gamete
what is main point of neutral theory
points to Molecular Clock and predicts heterozygosity
declining population has small offspring number
Nef is larger than Nev
to save spekes gazelle it was necessary to
increase both Nev and Nef
given epidemic malaria which of the following will increase the chance that C allele will increase
pedigree inbreeding
selection is strong but mutations affect it. why
selection equilibrium avg excess is 0. opposing force of any size will influence frequency
amount of genetic variability and its distribution among population is
population structure
fitness is typically freq dependent when the target of selection is
above the level of the individual
with isolation
Fst increases
the HW assumptions include all but
wahlund effect shows
decrease in heterozygosity
natsel can act on phenotypes the following ways
increases frequency of the certain phenotype B) decreases frequency of the certain phenotype D) only affects phenotypes with fitness related variation E) all of the above except answer C
which is not a measure of drift
variation in offspring number for mitch adam makes him
younger than eve
as discussed in lecture which organism exhibits most variation in offspring per female
what makes up unit of selection
which maintains allele variation with minimal or no phase diseq
dissassortative mating
mutation is most likely neutral
at 3rd position of codon
if pop shows signs of natsel would would have increased
avg fitness
SNP that shows an unusual outlier Fst value is probably subject to
avg fitness
what effect does inbreeding have on allele frq
which tree gives most reliable shape
what does selection act on
environment and phenotype
in cladistics character present in ancestor shared by descendents known as
synapomorphy or pleisiomorphy
2 transposons, which is associated wiht duplications thru RNA intermediate
presence of sterile worker insects caused problems because traits appear deleterious. phenomenon is known as
natsel is based on
differential DNA replction in context of environment
which has ultimate time of coalesce of 3Nef
X chrom haplotypes
according to near neutral theory if 4NeS=1
selection and drift both play a role
all are true except
natsel will always take population to highest adaptive peak possible
the factors that determine unit of se;ection are
meiotic factors, epistasis, intensity of selection
probablity that any given allele will be identicle by descent is caled
pedigree in breeding
all of the following are true about Fst except
can be used to estimate inbreedign (distance measure, migration, outlier are signature)
viability mating success fecundity compoinetns of
pleiotropy can be described as
one gene influences multiple traits
which isnt true about assortative matign
asst mating decreases homzygosity
which is not an implication of equations of natsel
course of adaptive evolution is independent of genetic architecture
which of the following is true about effects of gene flow
decreases genetic variabiltiy between local pops