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(spin) voiceless oral bilabial stop
(bin) voiced oral bilabial stop
(mint) voiced nasal bilabial stop
(stun) voiceless oral alveolar stop
(done) voiced oral alveolar stop
(nun) voiced nasal alveolar stop
(scale) voiceless oral velar stop
(gale) voiced oral velar stop
(wing) voiced nasal velar stop
(uh-oh) voiceless oral glottal stop
(fan) voiceless oral labiodental fricative
(van) voiced oral labiodental fricative
(three) voiceless oral interdental fricative
(there) voiced oral interdental fricative
(sip) voiceless oral alveolar fricative
(zip) voiced oral alveolar fricative
(ship) voiceless oral alveopalatal fricative
(measure) voiced oral alveopalatal fricative
(cheap) voiceless oral alveopalatal affricate
(jeep) voiced oral alveopalatal affricate
(heap) voiceless oral glottal fricative
(leap) voiced oral alveolar liquid (lateral)
(reap) voiced oral alveolar liquid (retroflex)
(butter) voiced oral alveolar liquid (flap)
(weep) voiced oral labiovelar glide
(yoga) voiced oral palatal glide

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