UW-Milwaukee KIN 325 - Lower Leg

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Kin 325 Anatomical Kinesiology Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Intro to Nervous System II Nerves Leg Nerves Thigh Nerves Lumbar Plexus Sacral Plexus Functions of Main Nerves III Arteries Lower Extremity Arteries Outline of Current Lecture I Lower Leg Bones Tendons Nerves Arteries Current Lecture Lower Leg The lower leg consists of the tibia and the fibula and are attached to the foot at the distal ends The talus and the fibula articulate with the talus of the foot which is covered with articular cartilage for the formation of the talocrual joint Dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the foot are in the transverse axis These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Dorsiflexion the anterior portion of the foot is moved closer to the tibia Plantarflexion the foot is flexed down like pointing the toes They are the same idea of movement as flexion and extension they just describe different body parts The fibula forms the lateral malleolus and the tibia forms the medial malleolus together they form the socket for the talus ligaments bind the two bones together at the distal ends The talus articulates with the tibia and fibula above articulates with the calcaneous below articulates with the navicular anteriorly has a synovial membrane covered with fibrous cartilage for articulation Ligaments Medial deltoid triangular in shape Talofibular anterior and posterior Calcaneofibular Ankle Syndesmosis distal connection of fibula tibia talus and ligaments Anterior Inferior Tibiofibular connects tibia to fibula above ankle Posterior Inferior Tibiofibular and Transverse connect tibia and fibula behind ankle joint Interosseous between tibia and fibula runs entire length of lower leg Tendons Achilles Tendon attaches gastrocnemius and soleus to calcaneous allows plantarflexion Posterior Tibial Tendon attaches posterior tibialis muscle to underside of foot supports arch and allows us to turn foot inward Anterior Tibial Tendon attaches anterior tibialis muscle to foot and allows dorsiflexion Peroneal Tendon two of them brevis and longus they run behind the malleolus and turn the foot down and out Nerves Posterior Tibial behind medial malleolus and into the foot to control muscles in the sole of the foot Deep Peroneal fibular front of the ankle to top of the foot Superficial Peroneal outer edge of ankle controls front and outer edge of the foot Arteries Dorsalis Pedis front of ankle to top of the foot Posterior Tibial behind medial malleolus sends smaller blood vessles to inside edge of the ankle joint

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UW-Milwaukee KIN 325 - Lower Leg

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