Tel T 207 1st Ediyion Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I The Beginning of TV Outline of Current Lecture II Copyright Current Lecture Copyright o The printing press necessitated copyright o The Bible was the most copied book o Moveable type You could set each page whereas before you had to carve the pages by hand o There were lots of efficiencies to be had Paper type ink etc o Copyright is a claim over information o Stakeholders in copyright Power system Publisher Authors Consumers o Copyright gives a limited monopoly to allow for creativity and invention Pays the creator some money Gives them attribution and protects artists from undue modification of their work o The written word is a technology that everyone had to adopt when the printing press was created No incentive to be literate before the printing press o The printing press was one of the first examples of a network effect o Copyright comes to America Various colonies adopted copyright statutes Govt put this in the actual Constitution in Article 1 Section 8 Clause 8 Patent and Copyright Law o Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech or of the press Embodiment of music history calls for copyright Player piano Phonograph These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1909 Copyright Act Film got added in 1912 Allowed for works to be copyrighted for a period of 28 years from the date of publication o Could be renewed for a second term of equal value o Copyright in music Player piano cylinders and disc vinyl movies broadcasting technologies magnetic tape Challenges each technology introduced Playing without performance Storage Distribution Integration into other copyrightable works Copying
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