IUB TEL-T 207 - The Early Television

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TEL T T 207 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Business Research Outline of Current Lecture II The Beginning of TV Current Lecture The Beginning of TV o Mechanical TV As early as 1926 Jenkins IPO gets 10 million in 1929 Went from 30 60 lines of resolution to about 400 in about a decade First tv had about 10 lines of resolution Cost about one months salary All media technologies compete with all other media types o Radio was its main competitor o Newspapers Resolution is much better but it doesn t give you the live picture o Film Didn t get really popular until 1915 but still a competitor Tv allowed in home entertainment It was current and immediate Tv wasn t that hard to make at home Crappy tv but it was possible Had the potential to have an amateur phase but doesn t o Support No one was really behind the tv RCA NBC and others were against it because they didn t want it to harm the market and industry o They also had the FCC in the palm of their hands and didn t want that taken away from them These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Made a strong argument that tv could share inappropriate videos and harm America The public wasn t for tv because radio promoted that it was underdeveloped While Sarnoff and RCA talked bad about tv they were stealing Farnsworth s ideas and creating a tv of their own RCA NBC CBS public campaign against tv FCC treats it like a dangerous experimental technology FCC wouldn t allow the use of the electromagnetic frequency They only granted 2 licenses per market o RCA began to create the electronic tv Farnsworth created the image dissector outside of RCA RCA didn t own the patent but still used it and waited until Farnsworth sued Farnsworth won the suit in the 1940s o Sarnoff showed off the tv at the World s Fair and is seen as the Father of TV Farnsworth nearly loses it all but does get some royalties Sarnoff took the idea and the glory of tv People only saw it as an improvement on radio That s why FCC made standards and deemed only two licenses available

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IUB TEL-T 207 - The Early Television

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