H-SC MATH 121 - Lecture 33 - Hypothesis Testing Mean

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Hypothesis Testing for Means Robb T Koether Homework Review Introduction Hypothesis Testing for the Mean Hypothesis Testing for Means Lecture 33 Sections 10 1 10 2 The Hypotheses The Level of Significance Robb T Koether The Test Statistic The Value of the Test Statistic The p Value Hampden Sydney College The Decision The Conclusion Another Example Assignment Wed Oct 29 2008 Outline Hypothesis Testing for Means 1 Homework Review Robb T Koether 2 Introduction Homework Review 3 Hypothesis Testing for the Mean The Hypotheses The Level of Significance The Test Statistic The Value of the Test Statistic The p Value The Decision The Conclusion Another Example 4 Another Example Assignment 5 Assignment Introduction Hypothesis Testing for the Mean The Hypotheses The Level of Significance The Test Statistic The Value of the Test Statistic The p Value The Decision The Conclusion Homework Review Hypothesis Testing for Means Robb T Koether Homework Review Introduction Hypothesis Testing for the Mean The Hypotheses The Level of Significance The Test Statistic The Value of the Test Statistic The p Value The Decision The Conclusion Another Example Assignment Exercise 9 25 page 595 A new method for detecting a type of cancer has been developed Among 80 adults who have this type of cancer this method failed to detect the cancer in five of the adults Provide a 92 confidence interval estimate for the failure rate for this method Homework Review Hypothesis Testing for Means Robb T Koether Homework Review Introduction Hypothesis Testing for the Mean The Hypotheses Solution The sample proportion point estimate for the failure 5 rate is p 80 0 0625 For a 92 C I 0 08 so 2 0 04 The coefficient is z0 04 invNorm 0 04 1 751 So the confidence interval is The Level of Significance The Test Statistic The Value of the Test Statistic The p Value The Decision The Conclusion Another Example Assignment r p z0 04 p 1 p n r 0 0625 0 9375 80 0 625 1 751 0 0271 0 0625 1 751 0 0625 0 0474 Homework Review Hypothesis Testing for Means Robb T Koether Homework Review Introduction Hypothesis Testing for the Mean The Hypotheses The Level of Significance The Test Statistic The Value of the Test Statistic The p Value The Decision The Conclusion Another Example Assignment Solution Or you could use the TI 83 function 1 PropZInt Enter x 5 n 80 C Level 0 92 The calculator reports the interval 01512 10988 Introduction Hypothesis Testing for Means Robb T Koether Homework Review Introduction Hypothesis Testing for the Mean The Hypotheses The Level of Significance The Test Statistic The Value of the Test Statistic The p Value The Decision The Conclusion Another Example Assignment We now ask the two basic questions this time about the mean Is a given hypothesis concerning true What is the value of In most ways Chapter 10 will be like Chapter 9 In one way it will be very different The Seven Steps of Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis Testing for Means Robb T Koether Homework Review 1 State the null and alternative hypotheses 2 State the significance level 3 State for formula for the test statistic 4 Compute the value of the test statistic 5 Compute the p value 6 State the decision 7 State the conclusion Introduction Hypothesis Testing for the Mean The Hypotheses The Level of Significance The Test Statistic The Value of the Test Statistic The p Value The Decision The Conclusion Another Example Assignment The Seven Steps of Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis Testing for Means Robb T Koether Homework Review 1 State the null and alternative hypotheses 2 State the significance level 3 State for formula for the test statistic 4 Compute the value of the test statistic 5 Compute the p value 6 State the decision 7 State the conclusion Introduction Hypothesis Testing for the Mean The Hypotheses The Level of Significance The Test Statistic The Value of the Test Statistic The p Value The Decision The Conclusion Another Example Assignment The Seven Steps of Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis Testing for Means Robb T Koether Homework Review 1 State the null and alternative hypotheses 2 State the significance level 3 State for formula for the test statistic 4 Compute the value of the test statistic 5 Compute the p value 6 State the decision 7 State the conclusion Introduction Hypothesis Testing for the Mean The Hypotheses The Level of Significance The Test Statistic The Value of the Test Statistic The p Value The Decision The Conclusion Another Example Assignment The Seven Steps of Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis Testing for Means Robb T Koether Homework Review 1 State the null and alternative hypotheses 2 State the significance level 3 State for formula for the test statistic 4 Compute the value of the test statistic 5 Compute the p value 6 State the decision 7 State the conclusion Introduction Hypothesis Testing for the Mean The Hypotheses The Level of Significance The Test Statistic The Value of the Test Statistic The p Value The Decision The Conclusion Another Example Assignment The Seven Steps of Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis Testing for Means Robb T Koether Homework Review 1 State the null and alternative hypotheses 2 State the significance level 3 State for formula for the test statistic 4 Compute the value of the test statistic 5 Compute the p value 6 State the decision 7 State the conclusion Introduction Hypothesis Testing for the Mean The Hypotheses The Level of Significance The Test Statistic The Value of the Test Statistic The p Value The Decision The Conclusion Another Example Assignment The Seven Steps of Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis Testing for Means Robb T Koether Homework Review 1 State the null and alternative hypotheses 2 State the significance level 3 State for formula for the test statistic 4 Compute the value of the test statistic 5 Compute the p value 6 State the decision 7 State the conclusion Introduction Hypothesis Testing for the Mean The Hypotheses The Level of Significance The Test Statistic The Value of the Test Statistic The p Value The Decision The Conclusion Another Example Assignment The Seven Steps of Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis Testing for Means Robb T Koether Homework Review 1 State the null and alternative hypotheses 2 State the significance level 3 State for formula for the test statistic 4 Compute the value of the test statistic 5 Compute the p value 6 State the decision 7 State the conclusion Introduction Hypothesis Testing for the Mean The Hypotheses The Level of Significance The Test Statistic The Value of the Test Statistic

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H-SC MATH 121 - Lecture 33 - Hypothesis Testing Mean

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