NRSC 2100 1st Edition Lecture 2 NEURON A very specialized cell type whose function is to receive process and send information these cells are found in the central nervous system brain retina spinal cord as well as in the peripheral nervous system the rest of the body MAIN COMPONENTS OF A NEURON SOMA CELL BODY or PERIKARYON DENDRITES and SPINES AXON axis referring to central structure about which something is arranged MYELIN SHEATH Glia Glial cell NODES OF RANVIER PRESYNAPTIC TERMINALS AXON HILLOCK CELLULAR COMPONENTS 1 CELL MEMBRANE the skin surrounding neurons 2 CYTOPLASM everything inside the skin except nucleus 3 NUCLEUS chromosomes DNA GENE EXPRESSION Nuclear and extra nuclear events 1 DNA mechanisms 2 Transcription of DNA sequences into RNA 3 RNA processing into mRNA 4 mRNA transcript transported outside nucleus 5 mRNA interacts with ribosomes RER free ribosomes 6 Translation into amino acid chains proteins 7 Post translational processing of proteins packaging Golgi apparatus IMPORTANT ORGANELLES membrane enclosed structures 1 Ribosomes and Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum 2 Golgi apparatus 3 Mitochondria OTHER IMPORTANT ORGANELLES These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1 Ribosomes and Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum 2 Golgi apparatus 3 Mitochondria AXONS STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS 1 Microtubules 2 Neurofilaments 3 Microfilaments AXONS The high road of Neurons 1 Motor proteins 2 Organized vesicular transport 3 Two way highway TYPES OF NEURONS structure Multipolar neuron more than two neurites extending from its cell body Bipolar neuron two neurites extending from the cell body Pseudounipolar neuron one neurite extending from cell body
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