JOURN 4000 1st Edition Lecture 23 Outline of Last Lecture I Libel II Internet providers Outline of Current Lecture I Libel II Privacy laws Current Lecture Calder Case suit where effects felt Minimum contacts necessary Specific jurisdiction general jurisdiction Borrowing shorter statute of limitations 1 Where did the publication originate and 2 what is that statute of limitations Zippo case test Passive website Can t be dragged out of state Doing business Can be dragged out of state Gutnick case WSJ Gutnick money launderer Sues in Australia Upload occurred in Jersey download in Australia These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Place of publication place of download Suit is in Australia 2005 WSJ Provided funds for Osama Bin Laden Guy from Saudi Arabia sued in GB Wasn t enough contact in GB for jurisdiction UN guy Kenya Ivory Coast Canada Roving jurisdiction Sued in Canada they said no Guy thought any place he landed that s where he could sue Targeting Don King reputation to protect everywhere meaning he can sue anywhere Roman Polanski plead guilty to statutory rape Fled to France doesn t have extradition treaty based on those charges Vanity Fair 2005 said something he didn t like wanted to sue VF in GB GB allowed him to sue Yahoo case Dr Rachel Erenthel sp wrote a book about funding terrorism Suit in GB didn t leave home in NY Asked NY to assert jurisdiction declaratory judgment on decision NY said they had long armed jurisdiction only if it involved a tort or contract Bill passed in NY Libel Terrorism Protection Act Passed as federal law in 2010 Foreign libel judgment are not enforceable unless they comply with US law Privacy law Don t have to fill out a form for info according to MO law Access law Ch 610 Snapchat hack Arthur Ashe Drone technology
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