RELS 108 1nd Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture II Problem of Evil Continued Outline of Current Lecture II Spirituality Morality Ethics III Value Theory IV 2 Ethical Positions V Practical Justification 3 Cases Current Lecture Spirituality Morality Ethics What is morality o From Latin word Moralis Goodness Morality sacred quest ways of thinking feeling acting that address considerations of human welfare Practical justification reasons we give for certain actions Philosophy 3 Branches 1 Metaphysics aka ontology study of being what it means to be or not to be 2 Epistemology what does it mean to know something 3 Ethics Morality the shouldness oughtness of things how things should be What does it mean to live a good life o This question makes up value theory What do people really want Ataraxia or inner peace Value Theory 1st branch of ethics is value theory What does it mean to live well 2nd branch of ethics is normative ethics What should one do to live well 3rd branch of ethics is meta ethics What is goodness and how can we tell what is good and what is bad 2 Ethical Positions De Ontological o Judges the morality of actions based on a duty or appeal The actions are adherences to a rule law duty etc Teleological These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Rooted in the principle of utility which states that actions behaviors are right in so far as they promote happiness pleasure they are wrong if they tend to produce unhappiness or pain Practical Justification 3 Cases 1 Hinduism Caste System shift in thought from Vedas to Upanishads 4 stages of life in Hinduism De Ontological 1 Student 2 Householder 3 Hermit Forest Dweller 4 Wandering Sannyasin pursuit of spiritual liberation 2 Islam The justification and limitation of war war is not something to be taken lightly requires reason justification Reason for engaging in warfare defense of the faith in the face of persecution o Sunni expansion o Shi a against expansion 3 Christianity 2 views for reason of prayer o De ontological position Ken Barth prayer is a matter of obligation o Teleological John Calvin prayer leads to a growing in faith spiritual awareness morality
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