JOURN 4000 1st Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture I School law Outline of Current Lecture I School law Current Lecture Brennan on Hazelwood thought control Miami Herald vs Tornillo editors have control over content first amendment right Tinker vs Des Moines Students have freedom of expression even on controversial subjects IF they do not 1 Materially substantially interfere with school discipline cause disruption 2 Can t collide with rights of others Hazelwood is different two different questions Tinker First Amendment requires school to tolerate free speech Hazelwood First Amendment requires school to promote free speech Pepish vs MU Board of Curartors Suspended for passing out flyers Filed 1983 declaratory judgment court s judgment of rights and responsibilities of involved parties MU did not have a right to suspend her In loco parentis school is in same relationship to student as parent to child These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute States may give students greater freedom of expression laws than the first amendment Some states have greater freedom of student speech Does Hazelwood apply to college press not sure courts have split on decision Kincaid vs Gibson Destination Unknown yearbook poor style and content Courts said school has to allow it if not viewpoint discrimination Schoolteacher s rights Cecilia Lacks English journalism teacher fired for allowing students to produce in class videos using curse words Pyle brothers Wore profane t shirts Do high school students in Massachusetts have freedom of non school expression Court certified the question asked Massachusetts Supreme Court if shirts were acceptable yes 1973 Pawnee youth in Oklahoma School policy said boys could not have hair touching ears collar Boys were sent home US let decision stand dissent newfound pride in heritage Censorship of books Pico case Justice Brennan 1983 Committee school board decided to pull books out of library School board has absolute discretion on classroom assigned books not beyond Looks at motivation viewpoint control is not ok Obit website reporter said kid had a hit list expelled kid did not intend to do that Teacher sux website why she should die graphic photo of her death asked for funds to hire hit man can be expelled Bong Hits 4 Jesus message is pro illegal drugs school can suspend Legalized medical marijuana school can t suspend Bottom line doesn t matter what technology is threats are not allowed
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