JOURN 2100 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Current Lecture I What is news II Elements of news III What makes a good story Current Lecture I II III What is news a It did not exist before b Has been discovered recently c The information is being seen for the first time Elements of news These help you decide what the angle or most important parts of the story should be These are what make good news a Timeliness Was it recent b Proximity Was it nearby c Impact How big of a difference did this event make d Conflict Was there a problem e Prominence Are people places of importance involved f Novelty Something unique happened g Engagement Let s the reader viewer be involved in the story h Solutions Need this so stories are not negative Sometimes invites audience to help with the solution i Human Interest Things people want to read They are genuinely interested in these stories even if they aren t important i This is important Very good way of grabbing people s attention What makes a good story a Stories are either good because of two reasons i They are executed well Well written well produced well reported ii They are developed because of curiosity and they are unique These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute
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