UGC 112 1st Edition Lecture 24 Outline of Current Lecture I Looking Toward the Future II Themes Reminders III Decline of Violence in the Modern World a Bottom Billion IV Global Warming a Competition for Energy V Ideology and Extremism a Anti Immigrant Sentiments Current Lecture Modern Times Looking Toward the Future Eve of WWI cataclysmic event Bosnia and next to it is Serbia This is where the spark was struck Zdravo Bosnia Has a separate Serbian republic in it Religion 40 Muslim o Sunni not Shiite Muslim 31 orthodox 15 roman catholic Croatia dominated by this 14 other Themes Reminders Basic needs food family Change continuous or punctuated equilibrium o Continuous progress existed in the long peace concert of Europe 1815 1914 o Notion of punctuated equilibrium until all of a sudden a lurch upward or downward These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Discovery of the new world Globalization and economic change o Cultural contact Impacts of Technology war Growing significance of rights o Human rights have been an important aspect of democratization o Fundamental dignity and equality of everyone right to fair and equal treatment o Need for special provisions for the young aged physically mentally disabled Decline of violence in the Modern World The French Revolution was inspiring bloody nationalistic fear inspiring It had launched a wave of concern Democracy no one had right to vote Commerce the links that come through trade much better than war Trade pays war costs Commonwealth Rise of human rights Early US role we were pioneers in crucial respects o 14 points of Woodrow Wilson Even during WWII we were planning for a new organization UDHR universal declaration of human rights Has some ideas in it that are drawn largely from the west especially from area of civil and political rights Since 1948 and adoption of UDHR member states of UN have adopted agreements on matters of commerce matters involving responsibility to protect notion of protecting rights of women Example gay rights o South Africa was first to say okay to gay marriage despite homophobia Because their constitution established no discrimination Bottom Billion 1 3 of the children are malnourished in Ethiopia Important what kinds of traps have these countries and inhabitants faced Paul Coullier identifies four 1 Conflict civil war ongoing or occurred recently 3 4 of bottom billion have been caught in war 2 Weak economies might be dependent on a single export market crises no domestic manufacturing capability rely on expensive imports might be very rich paradoxically no such thing as sovereign wealth fund 3 Landlocked bad neighbors or location 4 Bad governance social and cultural expectations If you pay for something you expect to get a safe healthy product in return Who are they Income levels are measured relative to the population China has a large population Japan doesn t have many people who are poor Global Warming Global climate change the trend is clearly toward greater warming Cause is clearly because of CO2 and other things that cause heat Water is critically short 2070 Who Will get Water Fertile crescent is going to dry up again Competition for Energy Geographic Concentration We do not know how finite our supply is we always hope we can switch it if we run out One reason to start looking for coal Coal is big and bulky 1869 start looking at petroleum WWI British navy used diesel fuel petroleum while German still using fuel Saudi Arabia and natural gas can come about by fracking Fracking is efficient and potentially very dangerous Proprietary information we do not know what goes into the earth Chemicals have already seeped into earth water Notice how much energy is in the Middle East stable area Energy is not distributed equally not like human rights Gas guzzling in America Top 5 countries per capita in terms of energy consumption Top 5 countries in terms of energy production per capita 3 sources Growing Demands Ideology and Extremism Matthew Shepherd was gay and beaten tied up with barbed wire Northeast Nigeria teenage girls kidnapped Nigerian government has no idea where they are When does it occur ideologies can arise at times of high social stress Consider unrest in middle east turmoil that is part of Italy Many foundations o Think of Nazism wanted a pure society Flat world and back again Globalization 1 0 Globalization 2 0 Globalization 3 0 Anti immigrant sentiments Europe 10 of population is Muslim United States Latin America inequalities
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