1st Edition ASTR 151 Lecture 34 Outline of Last Lecture I Review Outline of Current Lecture II Review Current Lecture I Review a Chapt 1 i Sec 4 1 12 constellations zodiac a Ecliptic i Plane of earth s path around the Sun 23 5degrees b Equinox i Winter Sun is away from equator ii Summer Sun is near the equator 2 From full moon to 3rd quarter takes longer than 3 weeks 3 A solar eclipse can happen during a New Moon a When earth moon and Sun formaline ii Sec 6 1 Distance between objects a Parallax b Chapt 2 i Sec 2 1 Copernicus Defendant and encycles These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute a Took two years to replace his model because the Ptolemaic because no scientific evidence to support either model until Galileo ii Sec 4 1 Telescope invented around 1600 2 Galileo 3 Venus Phases couldn t be explained 4 Kepler s Law a Based in Tycho Brahe research b Orbit s are ellipses not circles c Two planet sweeps equals area near it d Isaac newton i Explains why Kepler s laws work iii Sec 7 1 To determine the mass of a planet by applying laws you need planet and moons c Chapt 5 i Reflective ii Refractive 1 Hard to make big ones d Chapt 6 i Sec 4 1 Terrestrial Planets 2 Jovian Planets ii Sec 6 1 L r mv 2 Nebular contraction Hypothesis iii Sec 7 1 Debris far from the Sun cool less dense 2 Debris near the Sun hot more dense e Chapt 7 i Absorbs visible light exerts UV light ii Body Waves 1 Pressure waves 2 Shear waves iii Tides least noticeable during 3rd quarter f Chapt 8 i Sec 1 1 Phases of the Moon a Can t be seen due to the Sun 2 Moon Mercury a Looks similar due to craters 3 Moon a Far side has thin crust
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