ASTR 151 1st Edition Lecture 30 Outline of Last Lecture I Chapter Sections Review II Chapter 13 5 Outline of Current Lecture III Chapter 14 1 IV Chapter 14 2 Current Lecture I Chapter 14 1 Asteroids a Mostly small with eccentric orbits b Between Mars and Jupiter mostly c Over 600 000 have been identified d Vesta i Prototype planet proto planet e Classified in types i C type ii S type iii M type iv Apollo v Aten vi Amor vii Inner Earth f Near earth asteroid may evolve into an earth crosser g Apollo i Asteroids that are so eccentric they cross earth s orbit ii Toutatis These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute h Trojan i Longrangian points of Jupiter s orbit i II Killed over 75 of plant and animal life Chapter 14 2 Comets a Small nucleus i Coma of gas and dust ii Visible and can be large hydrogen envelope b Avoids the Sun c Varies in period d Tail always points away from the Sun e Grows smaller as it passes the Sun f Most famous is Hallies Comet i Stardust flew through g Pluto s orbit is eccentric h Pluto s orbit Crosses the orbit of Neptune i path is off the orbital plane ii Largest moon is Charon iii Lost planet status by the Astronomical Union AU 1 Definition of planet a Orbit the Sun b Be massive c Sling shot things out it s orbit
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