Caroline Pucko Biology 1108 Exam 4 Powerpoint Questions and Notes NEW QUESTION In neurons the Sodium Potassium Pump moves those two ions across the cell membrane Which of the following is FALSE regarding this process This is an example of facilitated diffusion Na and K are unable to pass through the cell membrane without the use of a transport protein The Na K Pump is a transmembrane protein The ions are moved against their concentration gradient ANSWER This is an example of facilitated diffusion NEW QUESTION Why is elevated blood glucose problematic in people with diabetes Extra blood glucose damages the tissues it comes into contact which is why its effects are so widespread If glucose remains in the blood that means it isn t inside cells where it can be used to make ATP Glucose in the blood can form blood clots that can lead to complications like strokes Blood sugar changes the pH of the blood preventing effective transport of O2 to cells for use in cellular respiration ANSWER If glucose remains in the blood that means it isn t inside cells where it can be used to make ATP NEW QUESTION Plant hormones travel through the phloem instead of through a bloodstream in blood vessels but the same ideas apply Jasmonic acid is one such hormone that does not require a carrier protein to be transported in the phloem of a plant Jasmonic acid JA is most likely and hydrophobic non polar hydrophilic non polar hydrophilic polar hydrophobic polar ANSWER hydrophilic polar NEW QUESTION A person with which type of diabetes experiences elevated blood sugar levels after they eat and for a prolonged period of time afterwards Type I Type II Both Neither ANSWER Both NEW QUESTION Looking at the actual weight g of the different macromolecules in a serving of each of the following foods which one has the most amount of macromolecules that after being digested will be able to diffuse into intestinal cells without transporters carriers or pumps ANSWER The one with the most fat lipids NEW QUESTION Its behavior chemically and the way it enters cells is linked to its R group Everything to the left of the N That means that because phenylalanine has a R group it enters cells including intestinal cells via For those of us without much chem every bend in the structure without a letter indicates a carbon with as many hydrogens as it needs to be complete Hint this means you first need to determine the polarity of the R group Then assume the whole molecule acts this way and think about what that means for movement across a cell membrane even if this goes against the rules we laid out for amino acids in class non polar diffusion through the cell membrane non polar transmembrane proteins that act as transporters polar diffusion through the cell membrane polar transmembrane proteins that act as transporters ANSWER non polar diffusion through the cell membrane NEW QUESTION There are 20 amino acids that are coded for by DNA and used to assemble proteins during translation However 9 of these cannot be made by our bodies they must come from food These are called essential amino acids and they histidine isoleucine leucine lysine methionine phenylalanine threonine tryptophan and valine ANSWER NEW QUESTION The cells that line our small intestine are important to the absorption of nutrients from food They are uniquely equipped to do this because they are some of the few cells that lack a cell wall allowing more efficient transport of molecules across the phospholipid membrane they allow non polar molecules to diffuse through their membranes they have a very high surface area because of the presence of microvilli they have transmembrane proteins that allow for facilitated diffusion of polar macromolecules ANSWER they have a very high surface area because of the presence of microvilli NEW QUESTION Amylase is an enzyme that breaks apart starch molecules polysaccharides into the disaccharide maltose dimer From there maltose is broken down into glucose by maltase A mouse with a mutation in the gene that codes for amylase produces a dysfunctional enzyme But it has a functional gene for maltase and makes plenty of functional maltase enzyme The mouse is put on a diet of pure starch What is the most likely outcome Because maltase is still functional glucose levels will be comparable to a mouse without the amylase mutation The mouse with the amylase mutation will wind up with excess maltose but very little glucose Despite maltase being functional virtually no glucose will be produced in the mouse with the amylase mutation The amount of glucose produced will be more related to temperature than to genetics ANSWER Despite maltase being functional virtually no glucose will be produced in the mouse with the amylase mutation NEW QUESTION Which of these statements are TRUE regarding enzyme function select all that apply Enzymes are chemically digesting food throughout the digestive system even though nutrients are only absorbed in the small intestine Enzymes can only break apart proteins Enzymes continue to function faster with temperature only until they reach their thermal optimum and then reaction rate goes down Enzymes can be transmembrane proteins Enzymes can only break substrates apart they can t build molecules synthesis ANSWER Enzymes are chemically digesting food throughout the digestive system even though nutrients are only absorbed in the small intestine Enzymes continue to function faster with temperature only until they reach their thermal optimum and then reaction rate goes down Enzymes can be transmembrane proteins NEW QUESTION Through which of these digestive systems organs does food actually pass select all that apply All or Nothing Question Pancreas Small Instestine Mouth Rectum Large Intestine Esophagus Liver Anus Stomach ANSWER Small Instestine Mouth Rectum Large Intestine Esophagus Anus Stomach everything in the list except pancreas and liver NEW QUESTION With a seperated water and oil container polar molecules will be attracted to the side with and non polar molecules will be attracted to the side with The molecules sitting on the border between the oil and the water are molecules which contain both polar and non polar regions ANSWER water oil amphipathic NEW QUESTION Each of our cells needs glucose in order to be able to conduct cellular respiration Through what structures do you think glucose could travel to enter into cells Select all that Apply All or Nothing graded question Glucose Carrier proteins transmembrane
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